A Goodnight

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I sat stirring my chocolate tea with the small spoon, staring at the liquid as it moved around the cup.The steam long gone as the tea is cooling by now.I've been sitting in this small cafe for a while now.I sighed and brought the cup to my lips taking a sip.I tasted the warm chocolate before swallowing. I put the cup back on the orange table and looked at my phone. 9:36 pm.

I planned on staying out all night.Not because I want to but because my boyfriend just threw me out on the streets .His reason being 'I'm too pure for him' and he found someone else that makes him comfortable.I didn't care about him now I'm more upset with myself that I stayed that long in the relationship.They always end with the same way.I'm too shy,too innocent,to sweet,too kind,too loving.I mean should I be mean and blunt and a sex addict? Psssh.
I planned on driving to my home town tomorrow to stay with my parents.I missed them and really wanted to clear my head.

The continued to stirred my tea until I heard movements from across me.I looked up and gasp,my eyes going wide.Across from me sat a guy,he looked like he was around 21...22 smirking at me with his hands in his sweater pockets while he leaned back in the booth.What made me gasp was how gorgeous he was.His silky black hair faded and comb back with a few loose strands on his forehead.His green eyes bored in mine and held so much lust and love it got me confused.His eyebrows were neat and grawline sharp.His ears were pierced and lips were pink and plump,Glossy from maybe him running his tongue over it.He had a tattoo of a snake on his neck and his body was gorgeous from what I can see.His smirk was replaced with a smiled when he saw me checking him out and oh my god his smile was to die for.His teeth white and perfect,he ran his tongue over his bottom lip as he watched me and I looked away blushing.

"Hey Babe".

I look up at the guy shocked.I could feel my cheeks heating up at what he just said.I tried to form a sentence but failed.I tried not to look at him for too long because of how good he looked but mostly because I'm blushing like crazy.

"You look gorgeous as ever,but you shouldnt be here alone this late."


I managed to say that as I was confused to what he was saying.What did he mean by as ever?does he know me? Why is he talking to Me? me of all persons.

"Why are you here by yourself at night?I wouldn't want nothing to happen to my little angel you know."

He surprised me by reaching across the table and taking my hand from the spoon and into his.I let out a shaky breath as shivers ran down my spine and sparkes shot through my hand.He chuckled at my behavior and let me tell you it didn't help.I felt myself getting hard in my jeans and I cross my feet.

"Do you know me? H-how do you know me?" I asked

He smirked and answered

"You're Ethan Neuer,you work in the meseum on east street,you live with your boyfriend.You love art and love anything with chocolate,you graduated high school last summer and you like taking walks in the park."

I'm surprised and kind of scared someone I dont know knows so much about me.

"Don't think of it as creepy but I admire you alot.Since the first time I saw you in the library searching for a book about plants.You were someone I wanted to be with for months but you had a boyfriend and I didn't wanted to interfere -

I wish you did

"You're someone I see a future with.You're just so pure and innocent,full of love and i've never heard a curse word from your mouth,no matter how many times your boyfriend would yell at you in public."

I didn't know what to say .I just stared at him .I can't believe someone admired the way I am.I can't believe I had a secret admirer.Someone with such gentle touch and gorgeous features.

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