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"What?" I breathe, my voice wobbling with emotion.

Despite the fun of the party and the distance between us, they easily hear me, they are so in tune with me. Mother and Father have grown extremely close to me because of how much I rely on them. Being blind is not easy, but they do all they can to make things easier for me, something I appreciate dearly.

I suppose they are seeing how distraught I am. My breathing is growing ragged and tears prick my eyes as my mind begin to wander, exploring all the meanings of "She's not safe here." 

"Sang?" Mother calls. "What are you doing listening in on private conversations?"

"Dear," Father murmurs to her. "This was not a wise place to discuss this. We are in the middle of a room full of ears; we can hardly blame her."

I smile at Father, but it is a weak and shaky smile that does not last long. My chin wobbles and it is all I can do not to burst into tears right there in front of everyone, I am such an emotional wreck. But I know how important it is to keep up appearances. In this world, crying at a party would never be ignored and overlooked, the media would have a heyday fabricating reasons for my response. One mistake like that and our reputations would be tainted. I don't wish to live like this, like a fraud, but it is a life I was born into and I would never choose a different life.

"Here, why don't we head upstairs," Mother suggests, her voice coming closer as she and Father move toward me.

Nodding, I discreetly swipe a finger under my eye, catching a tear before it falls any further. Father takes my hand and tugs me towards where I know the stairs are. I reach out and feel with my foot for the first step. Finding it, I am able to walk up the stairs on my own, yet Father and Mother remain close, a kind and silent support.

Slipping into a small study, I fall heavily into the leather chair. Slumping, I abandon any thought of posture.

"What's going on?" I demand.

Or I try to, at least. However, it comes out more as a plea, almost a sob.

"Darling," Mother sighs. "I never wanted it to come to this, but you are no longer safe here."

"What?" I choke out, a tear slipping down my cheek. " Why not? "

Father speaks up next. "Now is not the time to tell you everything, you are already quite distraught. However, I can say that a dangerous person has learned of you and is quite... Interested."

"Interested?" I echo, unsure of what he means.

"Yes, darling," He sighs. "We will do everything we can to keep you safe. I'm just not sure what to do yet."

Mother urgently inserts, "What about those people you worked with when your friend was in danger? The Academy, wasn't it?"

"I hadn't thought of them, but that is not a bad idea at all, " Father replies thoughtfully. "They might be willing to send a team to help Sang escape."

"Escape?" I repeat, hysteria rising and spilling into my words.

"Yes," Mother confirms. " You need to leave as soon as possible and before it is too late."

"I believe I still have the number of someone..." Father mutters. "Dr.Phil, I believe his name was."

"Tell him we need the best team they have," Mother insists. "Only the best for my Sang."

"Yes, yes," Father agrees, and I can feel the air shift as he waves her off.

"When will I be leaving? Are both of you coming with me?" I ask, my voice trembling with emotion and nerves.

"Actually..." Mother hedges nervously and reluctantly. "Neither of us will be coming with you."


The tears increase as if a faucet inside me is being turned on higher. I've always had at least one of my parents with me at all times, not to mention the staff—a butler or a maid or someone else. I'm not sure I have ever been fully alone before. What am I going to do?

"Please understand, Darling," Father urges. "We need to stay to give you more time to escape. We will keep up appearances, cover for you. This will be our way of buying you more time so that you can get away cleanly and put some distance between you and the person after you. "

"You will leave tomorrow," Mother continues. "As soon as the team arrives."

"If I can convince them to come, " Father mutters under his breath.

"Richard!" Mother exclaims, having heard him as well. "This is about your daughter's safety!"

"Yes, yes, dear," He agrees, appeasing her. "And I will do my very best to keep her safe."

A mix between a sob and a yawn escapes me.

"Go up to bed," Mother decides. "You're Father and I will take care of everything. You don't need to worry, just get some sleep, darling. It's getting late, after all."

Nodding, I stand up and slip out of the room. I wait for the door to latch before I give into my nerves and emotion. Silently, I sob as I stumble to my room. I cry silently, not wanting to make Mother and Father feel bad for a situation that is beyond their control. I don't understand what is going on. But I do know that I am scared.

So, so scared.

What's going to happen now?

Darling | All16 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now