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OOF. Sorry for the long wait. Here ya go. 

RECAP: Sang's a blind rich girl with a stalker. The Academy sends the sixteen boys (Toma team, Blackbourne team, plus Kevin and Wil) to protect Sang. They were at a ball when Sang was kidnapped by Kayli who turned out to be a good guy (finally!) and is trying to take down this huge crime ring by going undercover. However, she needs Sang's help to take him down because Kayli can't get to the boss.

All caught up?

All caught up?

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Sang's POV

I'm not scared. I'm plain terrified. 

But I try and stay as calm as possible because I know Kayli would never try and put me in harm's way like this unless it was incredibly important. I haven't seen Kayli in a long time, but I still trust her like she is trusting me.

A lot is riding on this plan and I need to find a way to distract this guy so Kayli can come in and knock him out. As soon as I'm done, I can be with the boys again. And that's all that I want right now. To be safe and back with the sixteen of them that I have grown so close to.

I follow Kayli through a doorway. She holds my hand to guide me which tells me she's put her Volto mask back on.

Kayli was very clear about what the plan is, which really helped me be less scared. When you know what's going to happen, the fear of the unknown lessens. Still, though, not being able to see means there is a lot that I don't know.

So I listen for sounds, a heart beating, footsteps. I feel the air shifting with each step Kayli and I take, feeling for any other shifts. I smell Kayli's soap, plum and jasmine, and the damp smell that lingers in the long hallway and pay attention for any new scents.

On guard, I don't even need to try and pay attention. I am so alert right now, it's like I've never been alive until now.

Kayli squeezes my hand three times, indicating we are there. I stop and nervously bite my lip, my free hand unconsciously fluttering to my throat. My heart somehow manages to beat even faster.

A knock startles me before I remember that Kayli already told me she would have to knock on the door. Nervously, I begin counting the seconds until the door opens. Not only does it tell me how far the person inside was from the door, but it also makes me a little bit calmer, as if Kota is here counting with me.

The sound of a lock turning quickly brings me back to reality and suddenly Kayli lets go of my hand, making me feel even more alone and scared. I bite my lip harder and try to hold everything together.

"Oh, Volto, you don't disappoint, do you?" A man says. His voice is like yogurt, thick, rich, and smooth. I wasn't expecting his voice to sound a certain way, but it comes as a surprise, somehow.

When Kayli replies, I don't recognize her voice, it is so distorted through her mask.

"Not on purpose."

"Well, she certainly looks like Sang Sorenson. Bring her in."

Kayli grabs my arm and guides me through the door. I stumble on purpose to make it look like she isn't being gentle. We wouldn't want any suspicion to arise.

"Be careful!" The man snaps. "Do you know how long I've been after this girl?!"

Kayli and I both remain silent. We just need to get through the door and have him close and lock it behind us. Then Kayli can do her thing without guards immediately bursting through.

The door clicks shut behind us but does not lock.

"Aren't you going to lock the door?" Kayli questions, startling me.

"Why?" He replies suspiciously. 

I feel the air shift as he steps closer and immediately recognize his smell.


I let out an involuntary whimper as my fear skyrockets. It's all I can do not to start screaming. Start crying. I don't want to be here.

But I need to be.

"Good thinking," He says quickly. "We should lock the door and make sure Sang is safe. But first, let me make sure it is her."

He steps even closer until he is right in front of me and I shrink back until Kayli's grip on my arm tightens and holds me in place.

"Open your eyes," He commands. 

Understanding, I open my eyes. I know that my eyes are of unusual color and would be the best way to ensure my identity.

He sucks in a breath and doesn't say anything for a moment. I swallow thickly. I never thought it was possible to be this scared.

The air shifts as he lifts a hand. I flinch away from it but soon realize he wasn't reaching for me. The lock clicks into place and Kayli releases my arm. Knowing I need to get out of the way, I scurry away from them as fast as possible and trip over some object on the floor. 

The sounds of Kayli and the man fighting fill the room. I stretch out my hand to feel what is on the ground. My hand hits cold metal and my fingers close over the unknown object. 

I lift it up, realizing it is a gun. Raven took me to a gun range a few weeks ago. When I get back to them, I need to profusely thank him. At the time, I kinda quietly didn't like it because it was so loud, even with the earplugs. Now, I am so grateful. I get a feel of the gun and realize it isn't too different than one of the ones Raven had me practice with. I slide the top part back, remembering that that's how the first bullet gets in the chamber. 

As Kayli and the man fight, I keep the gun pointed at the ground, not wanting to shoot Kayli on accident or waste my bullets on air.

The two are yelling profanities and death threats at each other and I flinch at each word and each thump.

"You too, Sang?!" The man yells, apparently having noticed the gun in my hand. "After all I did for you?! Don't you fucking realize that all I want for you is for you to live a perfect life with me?!"

"A perfect life would be me safe with my boys," I whisper, unable raise my voice any higher.

"Your boys?!" He roars.

"Sang!" Kayli screams. "Shoot him! Now!"

I hesitate, though. I don't want to miss and hit her.

"Now!" She screams.

So I squeeze the trigger right as fire explodes against my head.

The boom of the gun firing is the last thing before I fall backward, unconscious from the man's blow before I even hit the floor.

Darling | All16 | ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz