Chapter 23

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Snake leapt towards Alex when the guards shut the door in their faces once again. His hand shook as he grabbed Alex's wrist as gently as possible to check for a pulse. He let out a breath of relief when he felt the faint throbs under his fingertips. "I need to stop the bleeding." Snake muttered, looking over to see what he can do right now.
Wolf pulled off his shirt to take off the thin undershirt which Snake can easily tear to strips and handed it to the medic. Snake snatched at it and began frantically ripping it to strips, Fox took the shirt from him to help tear it up as he started to tie tourniquets around Alex's arm, he'd have to make sure that he doesn't leave it on for too long which may cause some permanent damage to nerves, muscles, blood vessels. Snake prayed to whatever god that is listening that those psychopaths would bring them some food and more importantly water so that he could clean Alex's wounds.

When Alex woke, he felt the pain shooting up his entire body like fire. Everything hurt so bad that it made him extremely dizzy. He wanted to sit up but he knows that if he tries to do so his body would make him regret. He could feel how dry his lips are and it was starting to crack and blood more than before. It hurt to even move his mouth. He moved his line of vision to the left without moving his head to see K-unit eating, even pigs were much quieter than they are right now. He could feel something tied around his arms and when he shifted to see what it was, Snake had gotten up followed by the others towards Alex. "Go away." Alex groaned, upset that they are crowding around him. The others shuffled a distance away, straining to see what Snake was doing. Snake probed at his injuries, checking to see if he was still bleeding. The guards had brought them food, water and bandages a while ago which allowed the unit medic to clean up all of Alex's wounds and cover them with the bandages.
Snake was grateful that none of the wounds had opened up again and Alex had almost stopped bleeding except for some of the deeper ones. "I swear if I have to cut off a limb..." Snake grumbled, the others stared in horror while Alex just lets out a small sigh as if easily accepting the fact that he might have to get a limb amputated.
"I had tetanus shot a few months back, I should be fine," Alex said softly, he wanted to go back to sleep but he really needs to think about what is the best way for them to escape. He could see from the soldiers' face that watching him getting tortured was mentally draining and he didn't really want them to be haunted by this in the future.
"Well, that's something positive to hear but what about other-"
"I'll get us out, don't worry," Alex said, cutting the medic off. The others stared at him once again. "Can I please sit up?"
"I don't think that's a good idea, your back and your abdomen isn't doing very well."
"Well, leaving me lying on the ground on my back isn't ideal either," Alex argued and Snake pursed his lips before he and Fox helped Alex up. They held onto him, concerned when the boy had screwed his eyes shut tightly and had gripped onto their sleeves for dear life.
He knew that to move was a big mistake but he knew he had to try anyway. When he had sat up, the pain had been excruciating, all he was left with to see was blinding whiteness through the pain. I must be strong. I must be strong. My team needs me. I need to save them. Alex chanted to himself, angry that he had ruined the mission and get them caught. Alex weakly reached for his shoe but because of his injuries he couldn't reach it.
"What is it?" Fox asked, unsure whether Alex wanted him to help or not. Alex leaned into Fox a little, tired. "I pickpocketed one of the guards and got their keys, I dropped it into my shoe."
"You did what now?" Eagle asked, still shocked by how observant and fast the boy was despite being badly wounded. Wolf gestured that he was going to take off the boy's shoe and get the keys, Alex nodded his approval. They looked at the keys, they have a way to leave now but they wouldn't know which direction to head to and who patrols when and where. "Actually, you would be surprised at how much they let their guard down when it comes to someone they believe to be unconscious." Turns out, Alex had faked being unconscious at the start until just before they were thrown back into the cell. It was only then that the boy had passed out from the pain. Wolf let out a laugh, reaching over to ruffled Alex's hair. "Too good."

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