An arranged marriage to the guy that took my V-Card! :: Prolouge

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An arranged marriage to the guy that took my V-Card! F.M.L. :: Prolouge


Pleasure surged through me as his lips traced my skin. He smiled at me, a knowing smile. We heard the cheering of the party from behind the door and I smiled back.

"Let's make em cheer." He whispered.

"Fine with me." I replied, drunk.

He nipped at my neck again and I moaned, the crowd already cheering loudly.


I awoke from my dream and I shuddered. I looked at my open door and saw my little brother looking at me.

"Hey Max. Go back to bed."

"Can I ask?"


"Why do you say Raidon?"

"'s hard to explain. One day you'll know."

He gave me a lazy look and grinned before waddling away, his little feet making a tiny noise. I smiled.

"Good night!" I called out.



It was finally morning and I was getting ready for school. I couldn't get over my dream. It's been almost 2 years and I still remember that one night that changed my world.

What happened that night? I lost my V-Card when I was 14 to Raidon Andrews. He was the most popular guy, I was drunk. He took advantage of me and he moved. I don't know if it was because of me or if it was another reason but I haven't seen him since.

But it wasn't the one night stand or losing my virginity that changed my life. It was that everyone, including my parents, found out. People called me easy, I was grounded for 3 months, and I've been labeled. I've learned to live but shit I hate it when everyday a guy offers me money for "one night only".

I threw on my black skinny jeans, a white shirt that had a cute skull on it and some flip flops. I tied my long, dark brown hair into a ponytail and went downstairs. My parents sat at the table, reading the newspaper while my little brother watched "Handy Manny".

"Morning mother, father."

"Morning darling want some toast?"

I nodded and grabbed a piece and began spreading grape jelly on the crisp, golden surface.

"How did you sleep last night?" My father asked, not taking his eyes off the paper.

"Alright. Max came in the middle of the night."

"I know. He told me."

I looked at the floor and it became quiet. It was always tense ever since that day. My mother has forgiven me but my dad thinks I'm a slut and will continue to think so. In fact, he's told me this.

"Do you want a ride to school?" My mother asked, breaking the silence.

"No thanks. Bye Max! Bye mom!"

I hurried out the door, not wanting to be in the presence of my father any longer.

"Oh and sweety be back early! We have news!!"

I just ignored her and walked quickly down the driveway, heading for school. My personal hell.


As soon as I entered the school doors, I heard whispers and rumors swirling around me. tried to block the words out as I rushed to the small, isolated corner where me and my only true friend sit.

My only true friend is Amber. She understood what happened to me because it happened to her when she lived in California. I smiled at her and sat down. She put down her book and leaned back.

"What's up chica?"

"Nothing new. I had another dream and my father hates me. You?"

"My mother got a new job and my brother's moving out!"

"Well I'm glad your days have been good."

She gave me a sypathetic look and the bell rang. We came out of our corner, the whispers dying down as teachers monitored the halls. They had ears like hawks and that's probably why a year ago I had to go to the counselor.


"Miss Diggins to the guiedance counselor please." The intercom screamed.

The kids eyes averted to me and I hated every moment as I got up and slowly walked to the door. Since I'd become more "popular" I've hated the attention on me. I mostly stayed away from people but when teachers called on me and they all look at me, they know exactly who I am.

I walked through the empty halls till I came to the bright green door of Mrs. Yale. She was a strange but nice lady who always was talking about feelings. I suppose that's why she's the counselor.

"Ahh there you are Amy! Please, come in!"

I sat down on the banana shaped chair and she wrote something down.

"W-What are you writing down?"

"Well I just find it...interesting you chose the banana chair. Most girls choose the strawberry or blueberry chair."

I blushed, wondering what I did wrong but she moved on, sitting in front of me.

"Now I want you to tell me why you had sex with Raidon Andrews?"

What. The. HELL?!

"Um that is a personal choice Mrs Yale."

"It isn't when rumors are floating around the school."

"Mrs Yale I'm not comfortable talking with a teacher about my personal life!" I said, my voice rising.

"Now, now dear you don't have to raise your voice."

I stood up and stormed out of the room. I was never going to tell anyone why I did it. Mostly because I didn't know why I did...I think I was drunk and he was hot and it just wasn't a situation I could say no to. I sighed and went to my locker. I'm going home!

[End of Flashback]

I sat in class when the intercom crackled on and all mouths shut, listening.

"Miss Amy Diggins to the office please."

The class erupted in chatter and whispers as the teacher gave me the you-can-go look. I rushed out and entered the thankfully vacant halls. I went into the office and the secretary smiled.

"Your mother is here to pick you up."

I nodded and walked outside, not bothering to get my backpack. I had my phone anyways. I went out of the double doors and a sense of relief washed over me that I didn't have to enter that classroom again. But horror struck me as I saw him leaning against my mothers car.

And by him I mean Raidon Andrews.


Hope the prolouge got ya hooked!! I worked hard sooo please read the next chapters, vote, and comment!


An arranged marriage to the guy who took my V-Card! F.M.L.Where stories live. Discover now