An arranged marriage to the guy who took my V-Card! :: Chapter 6

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An arranged marriage to the guy that took my V-Card! F.M.L. :: Chapter 6


[Amy's POV]

I hadn't slept the whole night. I was too excited to meet Peter. Ok, actually I've met him before but I can barely remember him! I felt like a creeper as I stared at his Facebook pictures. He's hot....*drools* And he's totally intelligent! And I knew this because of what he wrote....

>I don't believe in any religions other than Christianity. It makes perfect sense. The big bang doesn't make sense either. In fact, it's a load of shit.

Haha load o' shit! (:

The doorbell rang making me jump. My heart began to pump and I heard Marigold greet someone at the door. I fixed my hair in the hallway mirror and then sauntered down the stairs.

His face immediatly looked at me, our eyes meeting. He seemed like an angel, standing there wrapped up in scarves. I wonder where he lives...we don't need scarves here.

"Hello Peter." I whispered.

I was finally at the bottom, face to face with him. He had the same blonde hair as...him >.

"Hey Amy."

I stared at him as he set his stuff on the ground and flipped his hair back like in the commercials.

"So..." I murmered but his hands pulled mine into an embrace.

I inhaled his scent. and berries. Also some smoke? I pulled away and there was loud stomping as Raidon stormed into the room, an angry look spread across his face.

"Hello Peter." He spat.

Peter had the same facial expression.


"Um how about I show you to your room Peter?!" I cut in and grabbed his hand.

I didn't dare look at Raidon and some of the butlers grabbed his bags as I led him up to his room. I picked out a guest room, faaaar away from Raidon's room (I'm moving out! :P). It was all shades of blue with black and white. He looked pleased.

"This looks just like my condo."

"Where did you live?"


"Aren't you like 16 though?"

"So? Aren't you?"

"Well ya...but you were living by yourself!"

"Remember me and him," He spat him, "have the same parents. They live somewhere. They provide me with money though."

"Oh..." Was all I managed to say.

The maids unpacked his clothes while we talked and "caught up". He's lived in Chicago since he was 14, alone. His parents provide him with $10,000 a month but he works as well. He's pretty rich, is currently single, and is intelligent. God he's so much more my type than dumb Raidon.

Too bad I can't marry Peter instead.

That made an idea form in my mind. What if I were to ask the parents? Perhaps they would consider...after all they're both Andrews. I smiled at the idea and looked out at the bright sunny day.

"So how have you been here?"

"Terrible. The day I moved in, Raidon tried to rape me. And then the past few days I can't get into my own room because he's always fucking a girl!!"

"Haha that sucks."

"So I've been camping out on the couch...but I think I've found a new place to stay."

We stared in eachothers eyes for a few seconds. Then he began to lean in. I did so too, my head turning slightly and our lips barely met...


We jumped apart and we both glared at Raidon. Raidon smirked and leaned against the doorway. But I decided to ignore him and pulled him forward, our lips finally meeting. They were so soft...and they molded into mine perfectly. We fell back onto the bed, gasping for breath but not wanting to break away.

I could tell Raidon was growing uncomfortable, but we kept on like he wasn't even there. I heard a huff and stomping. We pulled away, seeing him finally gone and we smiled at eachother, our lips back together.

[Raidon's POV]

I growled in frustration, making one of the lady maids jump in fright. I rolled my eyes at her and went back to, I suppose my room. I sighed and looked at the ceiling. I haven't been that much of a jerk have I? And why is my fricking brother here?! That's so weird...


Sorry that was all I could upload!!! (:


An arranged marriage to the guy who took my V-Card! F.M.L.Where stories live. Discover now