An arranged marriage to the guy that took my V-Card! :: Chapter 2

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An arranged marriage to the guy who took my V-Card!! F.M.L. :: Chapter 2


[Raidon's POV] YIPEE!! xD

I felt like an idiot as I stormed to my office. I threw my paperwork everywhere and sighed in frustration. Damn...why couldn't she be the girl that fell into my arms for a night. Just one. I've been committed to her for these 2 years which means I had no sex at all. And now here she is and she's denying me!!

I looked at my computer. One urgent message. I sighed and clicked on it. Great. "Urgent".

From: (

Hello Raidon. The buisness will be in need of some improvements which I delightfully gave the responsibility to you. Hopefully nothing important is going on in your life...oh wait. Nothing ever is.

I growled at the email. Larry Bertholamue (what a last name right?) was my boss. I worked as the Vice President of a company owned by Larry. And he basically hated my guts because his wife wanted to have sex with me sooo my life is hell.

But it doesn't bother me. I work at home from now on and I barely see him (thank the Lord on High) so it's all cool. And he knows I'm engaged now so he can go fuck himself since his wife won't! Haha...that's a pretty good joke. :P

There was a light knock at the door and I turned around and saw Amy standing at the door. She looked so innocent and cute as she played with her hair nervously.

"Um may I come in?" She asked.


She walked in, looking around the vast, not to mention messy, office. It was nice when it was clean. I had 3 computers, 2 of them laptops, and printers and everything necassary. She sat on the desk next to me, her long tan legs the only view to my eyes.

"Yes?" I asked her, turning to my computer.

"Well I was going to say sorry. I probably made you feel like an idiot."

"Mmm hmm."

"And also possibly if we could go out or something tonight?"

"Can't, work."

She put her hand on my shoulder and leaned against me, looking at my computer screen. I turned around and looked at her, her brown eyes almost looking into my soul. My horrible, horrible soul.

[Amy's POV]

The world stopped as he turned around, gazing into my eyes. I had to kiss him. I wouldn't fuck him but I could atleast kiss him. And I leaned down, his soft lips upon mine just as good as the first, and last time, I had kissed him.

His hands went straight for my curves as his fingers tickled up and down my body. I shivered in delight and we broke apart, our breaths unsteady as we stared at eachother a little longer.

"Well I'll leave you be." I whispered and rushed out.

I explored the house, eventually ending up in a cute room that had a laptop. It was almost like a sun room. I got on the computer and checked my email. A couple of threats, an "I miss you" letter from my mom, and one from Amber. I decided I should check that one first.


Hey girl why aren't you answering your texts or coming to school?

Just curious.



Sorry Amber I haven't told you what's been happening. Well ya see my parents got with Raidon's and basically I live with him in a huge mansion at Myrtle Beach!!! It's awesome and we're engaged (arranged marriage :P). Sooo ya....sorry I didn't tell you!! (:



I responded to the other emails and sighed. It was already bedtime. And I had to share a bed with a guy that I can barely resist. And I'm still trying to resist him! I went upstairs and changed into my cute pj's that are G Rated lol. I climbed into bed at the moment he entered in just boxers. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped.

His skin was slick and wet, his hair fluffed up like he had taken a shower. He looked at me and smiled. I swore I was looking at a porn star. He removed the towel from his shoulders and I gaped more at his toned and gorgeous muscles.

He climbed into bed next to me and flicked off the light. I settled a few feet from him and my eyes adjusted to the dark. I watched him as he slept. He looked peaceful and I smiled. A flashback (or was it a dream?) flooded my mind as I closed my eyes.


I couldn't believe it. Today I had made a landmark, I was 7 years old! I blew out my candles and my parents cheered. I smiled and ran off for school as the bus pulled up. I got on and smiled at Ray.

Ray was a nice boy. He was new. He had yellow hair and blue eyes (remember this is her as a 7 year old).

"Hi Am." He said and showed me his new lunchbox.

I showed him mine and we both laughed. Amber, one of my friends, squeezed into the seat next to us. We all talked about our birthdays and exchanged lunches till we got to school.

[End of Flashback]

It suddenly dawned on me that Ray was Raidon!! I remember when Ray moved away...and then that year he came back. I sighed and looked at him again. Ray. My childhood best guy friend. I smiled and let myself fall asleep. It's not like he's gonna be gone in the morning.


But I was wrong because the second I opened my eyes, he wasn't there. I was alone in the sunlit room. I sat up and sighed, running my fingers through my probably ratnest of hair. I got up and brushed my hair and teeth before walking around the house looking for Raidon.

But he wasn't anywhere.

I went to the kitchen and saw a young girl waiting. I looked at her and she bowed respectfully.

"Hello Miss Rodgers."

"Please call me Amy."

"What would you like for breakfast, Amy?"

"Nothing really. Where's Raidon?"

"Mr. Andrews is at a meeting ma'am."


"Right sorry."

I thanked her quickly before walking aimlessly around the house. I decided I should check out the backyard. I opened the glass sliding doors and walked out into the warm summer day.

I must say, I'm impressed with the backyard. Or like a forest. It was full of trees and creeks and it led all the way to a park but we had a gate so people couldn't just go onto our property. I skipped back to the house and noticed a pool was on the deck. I squeled. l Iove swimming!

I heard chopping on the side of the house and curious as I am, I went to check it out. I was amazed at the size of biceps the guy had. He was currently was chopping some branches that had overgrown. He noticed me and smiled.

"Ahh you must be Miss Amy, Raidon's new fiancee."

"That's me! Unfortunetly..."

"Haha why unfortunate? Most girls die to have a kiss on their cheeks from him."

I laughed and he grinned. I could tell he was Spanish by the look of his skin and his dark hair and eyes. And he had a heavy accent. I leaned against the house and he smiled again.

"Well would the beautiful young lady like to help?"

I laughed and nodded, grabbing a pair of the huge scissors and began chopping the branches down.


Aww is he a threat?? We don't even know his name!! :O And OMGEE thanks for the comments! *glowing*


An arranged marriage to the guy who took my V-Card! F.M.L.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora