Chapter 11

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Cassie's POV

I borrowed a car to get to the underground bar where the fight would take place and made it there with an hour to spare. This gave me plenty of time to warm up and change into my usual attire. The afore mentioned attire consists of a sports bra and shorts with loose hooded tank top on top of it and a simple pair of purple sneakers. My trainer had basically demanded I wear this any time I had a fight. I personally didn't care and my only input on it was that my hair had to be in a tight pony tail.

I wasn't told much about my challenger besides their name and that was when I arrived so I couldn't make a plan. This is the usual for these kinds of things and absolutely sucks. I've always been the kind of person that needs a plan but I'm too far invested into this thing to stop now. My opponents name is "White Tiger" which I think is ridiculous but whatever man. My name is just "C". I don't get the whole reason for using an animal in your name.

Warm ups don't take long and my coach took a special trip out here to be here for this fight even though it's not all that necessary. Before long, I'm called out onto the stage. "White Tiger" has already been called out and is standing across the ring from me. She's a 5'9" girl that is super beefy and obviously has come this far from pure strength. I'm smaller so I can probably move a little faster than her. I haven't seen her fight so I can't make an informed decision on her quick thinking.

The ref talks for a moment and explains the rules which are basically 1: No hidden weapons and 2: Avoid death, and were told to begin. She charges at me and bends at the waist to throw me over her shoulder. I side step her and she runs into the ropes before turning around. She looks at me with a little more rage in her eyes. So she has a quick temper. She charges towards me again and this time I step to the side and stick my arm out to clothesline her. It works but she grabs me on her way down and I do feel my shoulder pop. I'm sure it was audible throughout the room.

I pop my shoulder and stand up and see her still down but very close to getting up. I quickly grab her arm and pull her up before ramming my head into hers. While this slightly disorients me, it does a lot more damage to her than me, seeing as how she was already messed up from the fall. while she's trying to get settled again, I send a hard punch to her gut that has her doubling over and gasping for air. I give her a moment to catch her breath and she stands up fully again. Her eyes are still dilating meaning she still not quite right after the blows to the head and lack of oxygen in her lungs, but she attempts to attack anyway.

She tries to punch me and almost hits me square in the jaw, but I'm able to dodge just in time so that it just barely Knicks my jaw. I'll have a slight bruise there for a little bit but it'll go away before I go home. I grab her hand before it goes too far past my head and bend it in a way that will disable her but not break the bone. She sucks in air through her teeth and tries to use her non-dominant hand to throw a punch and, because she's not well practiced with that hand, the punch is quite sloppy and easy to block. I do a roundhouse kick and land it on her head. This knocks her out and ends the match. The ref comes in to check on her and I also check her pulse and the other injuries as well as her pupils to make sure she doesn't have a concussion. After making sure my opponent isn't too horribly damaged, I change and head home.

The next morning, I wake up earlier than usual and go for a run. My shoulder hurts and I feel a slight pain in my jaw but I'll survive. After my jog through the woods, I joined everyone for breakfast and then my mother and I went into town. My mother stayed with the beta and gamma and I walked to the Coles office where our personal meeting would be held. I walk up to the beta of Cole's pack and he immediately takes me up to Cole's office. He drops me off the door and I knock and am immediately told to come in.

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