Chapter 20

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Cassie's P.O.V.

My mom and I went back to my room after dinner and sat down on my bed. My mom had a perpetual smile on her face and I had no idea what my next move would do to that smile. 

"Momma?" I ask in a gentle voice, unsure of how to approach the subject.

"Yes, baby girl?" 

"I have something to tell you." 

"You know that you can tell me anything, baby girl."

"I found my mate early on in our trip. I wanted you to be focused on your dad and brother and then Cole, so I didn't tell you.  Now that everything is settled and you are planning your ceremonies, I feel more ready to publicly accept him."

"Well, who is it, baby?" 

"Alpha Axe. We have accepted our bond in words in front of The Luna, but we kept in private because initially, I wanted to be able to focus just on him, but now I don't want to hide it from anybody anymore. I love him and I don't want to hide it, but I don't want to steal your thunder." 

"My Love, tell the world. Don't hide your mate. I understand why you would, but you shouldn't. As for stealing my thunder, I will have my thunder in Cole's pack. You will have your thunder in this pack. Be happy. Live your life." she says with the most gentle smile I have ever seen on my mother as she moves a strand of my hair out of my face. "Go to him. Him being so close and still so far had to be hard for the two of you. I have no problem with you two sleeping in the same room. As long as it is just sleeping. I don't need to be a grandmother just yet."

"Of course, mom." I get up and kiss her head, then walk to the bathroom to change into pajamas. After I'm done, I walk down the hall and stop in front of his door. I hesitantly raise my fist and knock on his door. 

"Come in." The sleepy voice of my mate mumbled.  I opened the door and when I walked in, I was almost completely overwhelmed with his amazing scent. He must have smelled my scent because he looked up in a very sleepy manor and said my name. "Cassie? Baby, what's up?" 

"My mom took the news very well. She was also concerned that we were hurting or not resting as well being apart. She insisted that we sleep in the same room. Strictly sleep, that is. She doesn't want to be a grandmother just yet." I say with a smile from the end of his four-poster bed. 

"Well, then why are you still all the way over there. Come here I'm tired and want snuggles." He says, rolling over and lifting the blankets on the other side of the bed. I walk over and lay down under the blankets and he pulled me into his arms. I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck and sighed in content. It took very little time to fall into a deep and restful sleep. 

When we awoke the next morning, we couldn't help but lay there in each other's arms in peace. When we finally did get up, I went to my room to get dressed and since it wasn't my day to train today, I decided to surprise everyone and put on a dress. But if I'm going to wear a dress, then there is no way I am wearing shoes. 

The dress I decide on has a red plaid skirt and no sleeves because it's stupid hot out here. I put on my favorite ring, that my uncle got for my mother when they were younger, and an anklet that I got shortly before we left Oregon. I throw my hair in a pony tail and walk downstairs. I look up as I make it to the bottom of the stairs and see Axe talking to his mother with a smile on his face.

I see him wearing a shirt that looks like my dress, a simple pair of jeans and no shoes. We have unintentionally matched. His hair is wet and messy, obviously clean but un-styled. His sleeves are rolled up and can I just say that my mate has some sexy forearms. He has a marking of his forearm that comes from being an Alpha and it shows with his sleeves rolled up. Very sexy indeed.

"Well don't you two look adorable! Did you plan this?" His mother asks as she looks at the two of us. I have a feeling that she's suspicious about us after this but we plan on telling her in a few minutes, so I'm not too worried.

"Hey, mom, why don't we sit down and have breakfast? I have a pretty big announcement." He says and guides his mother to the table. Most of the usual people are already there. The only one missing is Grandpa Whiskey, who already knows what the announcement is. We all sit down in the spots that have become somewhat assigned since the first day. Whiskey walks in and sits down in his chair before looking at his grandson and then me before looking slightly more awake.

"Oh! We're doing that now? Well go on then son!" He says once he realizes what's going on.

"Alright. I have a pretty big announcement to make." He says before pausing to take a deep breath. "Cassie is my mate. We've known since I got back from my trip after their arrival, but she wanted to be able to focus strictly on us. Now that her mother is happy, she can. So, I present to you, your future Alpha female."

His mother stands and comes to my seat, pulling me up and hugging me. His sister almost squeals and stands to start jumping up and down. The boys all go congratulate him and my mom walks over to him, probably to threaten him.

"Wait so did y'all plan the outfits for this?" His sister says, her thick southern drawl coming though.

"No that was just convenient." I say with a chuckle.

"So, when should I expect grandbabies?" His mother says looking between the two of us.

"Not for a little while. Although a time frame isn't something we've discussed. I suppose it's mostly up to The Luna." I say with a smile.

"Well, I'm glad that you two found each other." His sister says before going back to her seat.

"Alright! Now that that is out of the way, let's eat!" Whiskey says while grabbing the plate of bacon. We all laugh and enjoy a wonderfully cooked breakfast among friends and family.

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