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MASON VICHE BLOWS HIS WHISTLE ONE MORE TIME in the hope that the three teenagers who happen to be nearly twelve years older him will have a chance at beating a single Avinian warrior. At the back of his mind, he wishes his sister would let him take on the two quicker learners, but he knows that she'll do a better job training them than he could ever dream of.

As he watches the three running, he likes to see the irony between the three. The muscular one, tanned, surfer-type, toned biceps, you get the idea, named Louis, happens to be the slowest runner, barely keeping up with the other two. Ellie on the other hand, petite figure, and female seems to be beating the other two men, which proves his research wrong.

The whistle seems to startle all three, as they jump at the piercing sound. "Louis!" Mason yells. "At this rate, you're going to lose, do you want that?"

"No!" Louis replies.

"Then run faster!" He groans. "You know what, let's take fifteen. In the meantime, follow me."

Soon enough, Mason finds himself opening the training door on the opposite side of the creme-colored corridor and pushing himself with water to the next room. Ellie, Leo, and Louis trail behind him, carrying newly polished equipment which they instantly hang on the racks. He gives a curt nod to Jess and Scar before making his way to Aspyn.

"How's it going." He sighs, plopping down on the seat next to her.

"I don't know Mason, you tell me," Aspyn says, picking up an anklet-like piece of equipment and handing it to him. "I'd take one of these if I were you. It sends a light zap to the person wearing it if they don't pass a certain speed." She gives him a sympathetic smile.

"I'm worried." He musters, glancing warily at the five teenagers huddled up and chatting amiably. They seem to be up in their own worlds that they've drawn out for themselves. "I don't think they've realized how much of a threat this puts on their lives if they don't take it seriously."

His sister watches him, her smile fading at the truth uttered by him. "I'll analyze them next week, they should be given time to compromise too, Mase."

He nods. Moving towards the group. "Time," He sighs. "Let's head back." Ellie's the quirkiest, jumping up instantly to follow him while the other two trail behind most likely out of the exhaust, but Mason's eyes are pointed, concentrating on the idea of, well-nothing, that's the thing. He didn't know what went next.

"I don't think you're taking this seriously enough," Mason repeats once the connecting door is sealed shut and he has the absolute attention of all three. "I'm sure that you're friends will explain it to you once you get back, but saving Covia was a decision you've made, and now what you do puts yours, mine, and every single citizen of Covia's life at stake. One mistake, and you could find yourselves vulnerable, or even, trapped. You see, this is no joke, it's not a video game where you have endless lives or a restart button. Take this seriously, please."

Leo avoids eye contact, flickering his gaze against anything other than Mason himself, Ellie and Louis exchange a small glance before Ellie breaks the gaze as she places her hands in the pockets of her track bottoms.

"Shall we continue."

Mason finds himself walking to the control room two hours following the departure of his so-called trainees, who, he can proudly announce have actually been working to the best of their abilities. Although, in this scenario, to the best of one's abilities may not make the cut.

Once the door slides open, recognizing his presence, Mason is kindly greeted with the assistance of the medical staff, in a heavily incisive meeting. "Mother." He greets, sliding into the seat next to her. "Are you absolutely sure you can manage?"

His mother, Queen Luphoria, sat at the crest of the table, whose seat was replaced by her wheelchair. Mason couldn't lie, his mother looked increasingly fragile day by day, and he could only hope that this obstacle would not cause any fatal damages to her body. "I'm fine." She answers.

"Mother, do tell us if you are feeling uncomfortable. The last thing we need at the moment is an aneurysm during this focal moment." Aspyn presses her temples.

"I'm not a baby. I can manage, for god's sake."

"Shall we begin, your majesty?" Jett asks from his seat, a pile of papers stacked before him, in which he plans to discuss during the meeting, Mason can't help but think about the Avinians, would they be at a highly calibrated meeting like the Covians?

"We shall."

"Right, I'll get straight to the point," Jett announces, rising from his seat. "The Avinians have come so close as to reach within the five-kilometer range from the hidden Covian entry. A breakthrough, I must say."

"Anything else." Aspyn's taking notes on a thick yellow pad of paper which she stares at intently.

"Yes. Our spies have news."

"And?" His mother demands.

"It's confirmed, they're placing targets on Aspyn and Mason. Avinians are ordered that under no circumstance will they lose the opportunity to kill either, this is because they assume both will fight in the war." Jett continues.

"As for the palace," Commander in Chief, Officer Leuson rises, "They plan to place arsenic fume bombs, which will spread throughout the castle in the span of twenty-four hours."

"Arsenic air is highly poisonous, I don't doubt they'll place it. That'll successfully kill every single person in the palace, regardless of position." Mason points out, as he takes down a few notes for himself. "So what was your initial plan."

The room is silent for a moment, indicating that no one has any idea of what to do. Mason looks around curiously, only to notice three people who seem like they have a tiny idea on what to do, one of them, Aspyn, who furiously jots down notes before clearing her throat. "Assuming that Commander-in-Chief and Mission Controller have no plan, I have a small suggestion."

"Speak." Queen Luphoria says from her seat.

"It's a massive risk, but I say Mason stay behind," Aspyn suggests earning a deathly glare from nearly the entire table beside Mason, who only looks to her curiously.

"Aspyn, dearest, have you gone, mad?"

"Avinians are within a five-kilometer range from discovering us, with somebody as psychotic as Avine at the peak of the hierarchy, he'll stop at nothing to destroy us. One of his best plays was to send his best to the center, and distractions to where we charge. If we attempt at charging towards him, our core will blow up with arsenic fumes, because his warriors are at the center, which means that we'll need to leave a few strong warriors behind." Aspyn explains, placing her head in her hands.

"Aspyn," Jett says, "I think your idea may work. But we might have to have a debate on who you'll take and who you'll be bringing."

"There will be no need for such." Queen Luphoria stands, silencing the group. "I've already decided."

Mason held his breath, it was one thing to have your mother sick, and another to have her making a life-changing decision while in an unstable mental state. But as soon as he saw the blaze in his mother's eyes, he knew that she had been thinking about this for a long time, and not just in the spur of the moment.

"Aspyn, Mason, you had better be training our lavine's at the peak condition." She starts, "Because, as the charging army, they'll be facing the one, and only, Avine."

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