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[A/N] Mason is quoted from 22

"IT'S LIKE THEIR TRYING TO KEEP AWAY FROM US." ELLIE GAWKED AT THE several layers in between her and the switch. Brea nodded slowly as she pointed it out to each definite layer. And the alarm system embedded into the frame.

"I can't say that wasn't one of the motives. If not for your brains, you weren't meant to find out."

Ellie eyed the box-like object in person. She imagined what if would feel like if she simply pried off the hinges of the connecting surfaces or stripped of the hardened glue, then she could get her hands on it and return.

Brea knew what she was thinking. "It's amazing how they've done it. There's a timer. Open all six cases within five minutes, break a hinge, loosen a screw, they all set out a palace-wide alarm." She runs her hand through her hair. "There's only one way to get in."

"And that is?"

"There are six layers to the box. If you look at each of your badges there is a status that puts you in one of the five hierarchies. To get past the first layer, you must have a badge with at least a certification of first degree, and so forth. You all are fourth degree. You need a fifth-degree ID, and a DNA of Aspyn or Jett to get through the last layer."

"Can you access the fifth?"

She sighs. "No. I'm a naturalized Covian royal, as are you. There are only four ID's that could get past the fifth layer. Jett, Aspyn, Mason, and Luphoria."

Ellie felt her gaze lower. Of course, it was heavily guarded. They wouldn't just let the lavine's waltz out of Covia in fancy salsa dresses with barely a scratch on their bodies. She never wanted more to blend into the background than in the moment. She doesn't belong here.

"Which is the easiest to get."

Brea sighed, looking around for any possible cameras. "I've disabled all the cameras, but I still get a weird feeling every time I enter Jett's office. Anyway, your best bet is to trick Luphoria. She's on bedrest, and very hard to get to, but convince her it's good for Covia, and you may have just found your ticket out."

Leo massaged his temple with his thumb, "Why can't we just ask Jett to leave like what I did?"

"If you've thought of it, Jett is always a step ahead. There's a reason Aspyn trusts him more than her brother, mother, or me. I wouldn't rely on it." With that, Brea turned on her heel and strut out of the room so casually, "I'll leave you to it."

Just as Brea stepped out of the room, and the noise of the door being shut tightly wavered down, Ellie took this as an opportunity to wrap herself in a ball on the ground. She let out a massive sigh.

"Come on, let's go." Scar stood up and dragged each of them to the door. "Pop-pop. Time to go."

While they were rushing back to the hideout, Scar turned to the others. "Brea disabled the cameras, but they turned back on as soon as she left."

"It's clear they don't trust us."

"Jett was always one step ahead, she said. And if the cameras were coincidentally switched on as soon as she left. He must've thought we were scheming. How'd you know, Scar." Jess says.

"Brea motioned to it right as she left. I was confused at first, but then I saw the light flash."

The group caught up with Brea as she walked in a rhythmic pace. The Covians were strategic and sneaky. They could be doing one thing and acting completely opposed to the idea. Ellie knows that she's adapted to the Covian basic way of life, although she wants anything but. "One question."

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