How to be a mature ex😌

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#1.😯Don't go around badmouthing him just except that the relationship is over and try your best to get over it.

#2.😴Dont go around badmouthing his new partner it's not her fault that you are interested in the same person.

#3.😇Return their stuff don't toss it away or burn it be mature enough to tolerate them (even though you want to kick them in their face)

#4.😐Don't brag about your new partner , your ex is probably still upset about the break up and theres no need to through them in your ex's face

#5.📲Don't stalk their social media Instagram , Snapchat , Twitter because you are not going to like what you to see

#6.👥Dont make your friends choose between the two of you if your friends are also friends with your ex don't throw a fit everytime they choose to hang out with him rather than you.
Your break up isn't their problem

#7.😫Dont argue in public.
If you are going to argue with your ex at least do it in private you don't want to air your dirty laundry for everyone to hear

#8.😡Don't try to get revenge on your ex because its not as sweet as it sounds because you might do something you'll regret later

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