Chapter 1

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Rough hands shoved me out of the bus and into the blazing California sun. Home sweet home. Yes because thanks to my carelessness I landed myself in the California State prison. Just perfect. I could be treating myself to a nice trip to the Bahamas off the credit cards of this old lady that uses the name of her oldest cat for all of her passwords. I shouldn't be here and I especially shouldn't be shoved around like some common crook.

"Hey! I was getting out of the bus just fine myself. No thank you, but I don't need your help." The guard just snorted as he continued to shove me to the looming entrance up ahead. "Really. I'm walking there. Sheesh. I mean, it's not like I'm in here for murder. I didn't kill someone. I just stole a couple credit cards."

The guard just gave me a long look. "Okay, maybe a bunch of credit cards, but that's not important, right? No harm done." I gave off a sheepish laugh as I looked away from him to stare at the large doors in front of us. I guess I did deserve this, but that doesn't mean I want to be here. Three years. They're going to eat me up in here.

As we entered the building, we passed through several empty hallways, each with sealed doors allowing for little chance for trespassers to enter them. After a long walk through the maze-like hallways, we entered a small waiting area with a single door on the other side. No windows were in this room, nor were there any in the hallways for that matter. There really was no way of escaping from this place. Great.

I waited for my name to be called as one by one each inmate that traveled along with me on that wretched prison bus entered the side room. I figured it was for security purposes. When my name was called and I filed into the room, I was not surprised to see the metal detector and the intimidating prison guard beside it. He called me forward and demanded I discard all my belongings into a box. Not like I brought anything anyways. I wasn't stupid. I knew that much. I've seen my fair share of NCIS and Law and Order to know the deal. I went through the drill, changing into the prison scrubs as the guard droned on about what block I was located, the schedule for the day, what work I had to do, and whatever. I just stayed quiet so he could finally finish and let me go on to my cell. Once out the door, I was escorted by two guards to my new room for three years.

I grew uncomfortable as we walked along as I began to feel stares on me. Intense stares. Looking over, I saw the wolfish smirks on some of the inmates' faces. Oh, cheers. I was already being blacklisted for the fresh prison b*tch. I knew I wasn't the most muscular of guys, but I also was no twig either. I didn't like the idea of these junkies touching up on me, so I sped along with the guards to my cell, trying to draw as little attention to myself as possible. Finally, we stopped at one of the doors, and the guard unlocked and slid the clear door open, allowing me to enter. When I did, the door immediately closed behind me, leaving no time for me to adjust before feeling caged in. I looked around.

It actually didn't look that bad. Whites walls, dark floor, two beds, toilet and sink, a small dresser. It sort of looked like a regular college dorm room but smaller. The spacing wasn't that bad, but there certainly wasn't much breathing room either.

"So, you must be the new guy! I've been waiting all day to see you. What took you so long?" I jumped at the sudden voice. I was met by a skittish looking young man, practically bouncing up and down in his shoes. He couldn't be older than 20. He looked so young. What was he in for? "I'm so excited to finally meet you!" He approached me in the small cell.

I took a step back, trying to keep my space from this freak. "Haha, yeah. I can see that" I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a nervous laugh. Great, it was just my luck to land in a room with this guy. I looked him over once again to see that he was much taller than I was, but then again it wasn't that hard to be taller than me: most people were. I don't really have much in the height department thanks to my mom. His height was just about the only thing that my cellmate had because other than that he looked pretty weak. He was fairly thin, with pale lanky arms and legs. His long bleach blonde hair was tied up in a neat bun.

"Hi, I'm Kevin," he said as he extended a jittery hand to me.

Hesitant, I shook it. "Finn."

He laughed airily, "I know." He eyed me up and down as if trying to take in everything about me. I felt so exposed to him that I decided to just go to my bed. "Oh, I took the top bunk. I love the top bunk. I hope you don't mind that." He looked down as he fidgeted as if he made some sort of mistake.

Jeez, I guess this guy was really interested in me. Trying to rid him of his worries, I shorty said, "That's fine. Bottom is fine with me." I tried to keep my response brief, trying to keep him from learning anything more than he already knows about me.

"Really? You like bottom?" He giggled, his face turning red as he squirmed in his place. "I sort of pegged you as a top, but I guess I can see you as a power bottom."

What the hell was he blabbering about? Probably just nonsense anyway, so no need to pay attention. Ignoring him, I turned to mount my bunk and finally lied down. The springs dug into my back but honestly, after such a long day, anything felt fine. Finally, I was able to relax for once today.

Speakers sounded throughout the hallways by the cells. "Inmates, get up. Lunchtime."

F*ck my life.


Author's Note

New story. Hope you all enjoy!

I know that Blake wasn't mentioned in this chapter, but buckle up for the next chapter because he sure does make an appearance that has our Finn shook. See you next time!

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