Chapter 2

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"Come on, Finn," Kevin whined. "We're gonna be the last ones out."

Kevin was an odd one. He didn't really seem mature at all, so what could have even got him in here? He just seems so childish and innocent. He tugged my arm to get me to go faster as he dragged me to the eating commons. I wasn't expecting much from this prison food. Goodbye, fancy restaurants and overpriced seafood. I no longer had the stolen credit card accounts of others to guide me through life. I actually had to eat this commoner food. I sighed as we entered to be greeted with the smell of plain food and I wasn't surprised to see the junk that they called a meal.

I trudged alongside Kevin as he walked to an occupied table. Kevin wasn't that bad. He seemed harmless, kind of creepy but not a bad guy. It's not like I really wanted to go on and make some new friends at this prison anyway.

"Hey, everyone! This is my new roommate, Fin!" Kevin practically shouted to the two other inmates sitting at the table. I wonder if Kevin even knew them or if he was just like that with everyone. Well, I certainly made myself an interesting companion here.

"What's up Kevin? Glad to see you again. Haven't seen you since the bathroom incident," one of the other two inmates said, letting out a big hearty laugh. He was a big man, towering over me at probably over six feet with a wide build, not in muscles though, just fat. At first, it seemed like a man you wouldn't want to mess with. He could probably snap me in half if he wanted to, but his bubbly aura masked this and made him out to seem like a nice guy. A big and happy man--a stark contrast to the man sitting next to him. The other man was probably about the same height as me with dark brown hair that covered most of his face. He didn't insert himself in the conversation as he sat there quietly to himself.

Kevin laughed, smacking his knee. "I forgot about that, Benny. That was a good time."

"What happened in the bathroom?" I couldn't help myself from asking. I wanted to know more about Kevin since the guy was going to be living with me for the next few years.

"Oh, you want to know? It wasn't anything much actually." Kevin brushed it off.

"Nothing much? Yeah sure?" The big guy, Benny I think his name was, let out another loud laugh as he hit the table. "Kevin over here was trying to be a hot shot and---" Benny wasn't able to continue as the quiet one abruptly stood up from his seat and left the table.

"What's his deal?" What did they do to upset him? He didn't really seem like the type to be upset easily, but then again this was my first time meeting him so it's not really like I knew anything.

Kevin just waved it off. "Oh, he's always like that. Quentin can be a bit sensitive at times."

I didn't have much time to think about his comment as a muscular hand planted itself on our table right beside me. "Well well. Who do we have here? I've been looking all over for you." I looked up to see a tall man beside me as he liked his lips, hovering over my seated body.

I rolled my eyes. Already? "Listen. I'm not interested in whatever you have to offer." I scanned his body, noticing the large package that he seemed to be packing. Definitely not interested. My poor butt hurt just looking at it. "So it would be great if you just pissed off. Thanks." I waved him away, hoping he would get the message. I really didn't want to deal with this already. It was only my first day. Come on Lord. What did I do wrong?

The man didn't seem to get the hint as he continued to hover over me. Whispering in my ear, his hot breath bombarded my poor ear, "Aw, baby. You don't need to play hard to get. I know you want me." I suddenly felt something hard press against my back. "And I want that tight little ass. So let's just get straight to the point."

Filled with disgust, I launched my elbow back hitting him square in the crotch, feeling satisfaction at the pained groan that escaped his lips as he knelt to the floor. "Serves you right, you pr*ck." I started to get up to walk away from this creep when his arm shot out and yanked me to him.

"You're not going anywhere. You're coming with me now. And you'll get punished for that sly move, you slut." He pulled me so close to him that I could smell the cigarettes as he breathed in my face. Gross. I struggled against him, trying to get out of his grasp as he continued, "I'm sure you'll love a nice spanking, you little slut." As he continued to hold me firmly against him, I started to accept my fate. Why couldn't I just have been born a snail? Now I was going to lose my precious booty virginity to a man that's not even that hot. What kind of cruel world is this?

My prayers seemed to be answered as the jerk suddenly let go of me. I looked up to see him staring over my shoulder. Panic growing in his eyes as he began to slowly back away from me. I looked behind me and had to rub my eyes because I wasn't sure if I was seeing correctly. A tall, tanned man with toned arms sat on the other side of the cafeteria. His fitted shirt left little to the imagination as his muscular arms and ripped chest were shown through the tight material. His face seemed to be perfectly sculpted as a light sweep of hair dusted across his face, forming an impressive beard. Short dark hair perfectly framed his equally dark eyes that seemed to pierce right through me. A smirk sprawled across his face as our eyes met. I looked away quickly. I wasn't gay, so don't look at me like that.

When I glanced back at the Greek god, I saw a dark flash swiftly pass by him. I think it was Quentin from earlier. He had the same dark hair that covered his face, but where was he going? I shook my head trying to bring my attention back to the god.

"Oh la la. Looks like you got the almighty Blake's interest, Finny." Kevin cooed in his seat beside me.

"Almighty? And Finny?" Ugh, I hated that nickname. It was gross.

Benny suddenly turned serious. "Yeah, Blake there is one of the top dogs of this prison. No one messes with him if they value their life." He laughed nervously as he tried to look anywhere but at Blake. Was he really scared of Blake? Sure Blake was ripped, but Benny was also pretty big.

A bell rung across the cafeteria. "Well, ladies. Guess lunch is over." Benny got up and began to make his way back to the cells. Taking this as my cue, I shuffled behind Kevin, trying again to not draw attention after the scene with that pervert. As we made our way to the door, I felt as if someone was staring at me and when I looked I was met with the intense stare of the Greek god. Big mistake. And he was sitting right next to the door, watching as I neared him. Perfect. I couldn't avoid him because I had to walk right next to him if I wanted to get to my cell. This is just great. Could I just get a rest at all today?

I tensed up as I passed by Blake and tried to speed through the exit. I heard a harmonious chuckle before a hard slap landed itself on my ass. I jumped and swirled around to face Blake and give him a pointed glare as I continued to walk away as he looked at me with a smug smirk, proud of my humiliation. "See you later, princess." He winked. I could feel the sting across my whole ass cheek. I felt my face heat up along with my ass as I walked to my cell. 

Yay! We finally meet Blake (in the hungry eyes of Finn hehe).

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