Chapter 4 ✨

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Day 1. Part 3 - "I love you, hyungs"

Jungkook's POV

Lunch time~

My brain got fried from all those math works. The other subjects were fine, but math... University mathematics was literally torture. I didn't even want to open that cursed notebook again.

I bought two full meals and a sandwich as I was about to die from hunger. Other students were judging me, eyeing me weirdly as if I was a savage glutton. I just ignored them, took my food with me and walked to the table where "my" two friends were seated.

They gasped when I sat down. The blonde one looked at me worried. "Are you really going to finish all those?"

I only shrugged. "I'm starving right now."


At home~

Being a girl is such a pain.

I couldn't even eat as much as I wanted, my makeup got ruined when I rubbed my eyes while yawning, and a creepy guy just catcalled me on my way home. At first, I actually thought he was hitting on me.

I guess I'll be experiencing new things everyday in this body. I shivered.

I dropped my body on my new bed and yawned before looking at her desk.

"I have to do homework now, don't I..." I groaned and rolled on the bed.

I got off the bed painfully slowly, changed my clothes and washed my hands.

Then, I sat down on her desk and started doing her homework.

Your POV

My chest heaved up and down rapidly, sweats running down my neck. My heart pounded against my chest as I felt pumped but also exhausted.

I gave my all trying to do my best to execute all the moves correctly. It had been hours but we were still practicing, it's insane.

"Jungkook-ah, focus! I can't believe you actually forgot every move in just one day," Hoseok scolded me.

I shivered. His glare was definitely not something for the weak hearted.

I never thought that I would witness him snap at someone my whole life.

And that someone just happened to be me.

I made mistakes for thousands of times because I didn't even know the dance. It wasn't even my fault, like how did they expect me to know their new choreographies which were supposed to be secret.

The lunch I had was not even filling even though I ate a lot.

Still, apart from all my mistakes and the scoldings, groans, disappointments I received, watching them dance right next to me and playing around with them during breaks were pure bliss.

My heart was racing every time they touched me, hugged me, and smiled at me.

Even though they were very frustrated about 'Jungkook', the golden maknae, forgetting the entire dance, they were very tolerant.

They showed me the dance videos and even taught me everything from scratch.

I felt extremely thankful for them.

I love you, hyungs.

I wanted to tell them that I wasn't actually their maknae but a fan who got stuck inside their dongsaeng's body.

But I couldn't.

Not until I figured out everything.

They would just call me crazy or something along the line and not believe me even if I do tell them.

I wanted to take pictures of them and save it on my phone so badly, but I remembered that it was not my phone and that I won't be taking them with me.

It was like a dream...

Collecting valuable things to take them home with myself and then waking up, realizing it wasn't real and they're not there with me anymore...

1 a.m.~

I finally rested myself on Jungkook's bed. It was actually really small.

"Why would he even a buy a bed as small as this one?" I mumbled but honestly didn't care as I was too exhausted.

During dinner, I had almost four full meals. Was that even possible? I was too hungry to even notice how much I was gobbling down.

I guess a strong body needs a lot of nutrition.

To be honest, it was thanks to the strength of Jungkook's body that I was able to pull through all of the intense choreographies.

After that, we practiced singing the new songs. I listened to their new tracks and being a huge fan, I almost cried because of too much excitement.

Their songs were really beautiful.

At first, I got self conscious about singing, but then I remembered that I was Jungkook so I started singing without fear.

His angelic voice coming out of my mouth was too shocking for me. It felt like I ate his voice, but yeah... It was very beautiful and soft, but also edgy and rough depending on my style of singing.

I wanted to sing forever...

So here I lay, after a long day of comeback preparation.

Namjoon said that we would be recording something early in the morning tomorrow, so I decided that it was best to sleep straight away.

I should take a shower, but I'm just too embarrassed to do that, so I'm calling it a day.

I opened his Notes on his phone and started writing,

"Y/N as Jungkook:
Hyungs were really nice to me, they're too precious for this world uwu.
I got to listen to the new songs before the comeback, lucky~
Looking forward to tomorrow and I hope Jungkook is doing well in my place. I'll text him tomorrow..."

To be continued...

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