Part 5: Solicitous Sharing

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"What are your nightmares about?"

And as Keith predicted, Lance shrinks into himself. He tries to avoid Keith's gaze and even attempts to turn onto his side. Keith grabs his shoulder before he can.

"J...just you know. Scary stuff..."

"Clearly". Keith drawls. "It could make you feel better."

"You leaving me alone would make me feel better." Lance pouts.

"I'll remind you that you are in my bed right now, and I could very easily kick your scrawny ass out in a second." Keith leans forward threateningly. Lance rises to the taunts.

"Really, Keith? Offer your help then blackmail me with it?"

"You make helping you so damn difficult." Keith flops back down. They both stare at the ceiling in suffocating silence.

"They're about my family."

It's barely audible, but Lance's words are unmistakable in the stillness of the room.


"Yeah. Usually about them getting hurt somehow. Like I fail up here.... I can't protect them. And they all die."

"Jeez," Keith closes his eyes. Yeah, he could understand how that would fuck you up. "I'm really sorry."

"It's ok."

"How long has this been happening for?"


"Jesus, Lance." Keith rolls over with a reprimanding look. "Why didn't you tell anyone sooner? We could have helped you."

"How are you supposed to help me?" Lance hisses. He knows Keith means well, but he's already run through every possibility.

"Unless you can give me a wormhole that pops me back into my family's kitchen, there's nothing you can do for me." He closes his eyes and steals himself.

"They probably think I'm dead."

"Stop that," Keith snaps. He needs to get Lance out of this spiral. He settles down next to the taller boy and soothingly rubs his arm. A little thrill goes down his spine when Lance doesn't pull away.

"Tell me what you miss about them."

"Ha!" Lance barks. "I don't want to get sappy on you."

"C'mon, I'm building a bank of blackmail material here." Keith smiles and Lance is thankful for it.

"The noise."

"What noise?"

"No, no..." Lance rolls over so their faces are just inches from each other. Their hands touch on the pillow.

"Like I miss all the noise that was always there. Whether it was just my parents yelling at my siblings, a tv in the living room, my little sister blaring her terrible music, there was always just a bunch of noise. Space is..."

"Silent." Keith offers.

"It's dead! It creeps me out!" There's a hint of a smile on Lance's lips. Keith feels relief bloom in his chest. He pushes again.

"What else do you miss?"

"Oh man, so many things. Birthdays are a big thing."

"But they only happen once a year?"

"Oh ho ho," Lance shakes his head. "Foolish child. Not in my household. Between me and my four siblings, parents, grandparents, my oldest brother's kids..."

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