Part 10: Shared Information

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Sleeping with Lance again is like coming home after a rough trip abroad. It's comfortable and familiar, and Keith runs around the next morning with a spring in his step. He's much lighter on his feet when he spars against Shiro, and he offers to help Allura restore some of the Castle's less vital functions.

Allura worries about them forming Voltron again, but she knows the paladins can't let the day before get them down. She has them try the mind link simulator again and they are able to form Voltron with ease. A vibration of optimism hums through them all.

It's clear to both Keith and Lance that what they have is important. It maintains a balance that cannot be upset. Each one thinks the other will get sick of it and kick them out, but neither of them ever says anything. Their nights are warm and intimate. Their limbs automatically seek each other out, and they stay up late whispering and laughing into their pillows. Lance talks more about the shenanigans he used to commit with his brother, Tony, and how much he misses strawberry and banana smoothies. Keith listens intently. He tries to imagine Lance cutting off his sister's hair or breeding frogs in his backyard without his parents finding out. Keith tells him how he misses sunsets and campfires.

They are curled up together one lazy morning. Keith is vaguely aware of Lance's arm around his waist and his other touching his hand on the pillow between them. Lance blinks his eyes awake and groans.

"It can't be morning already."

"It is." Keith sighs. There's still sleep in his eyes.

"I think we deserve a day off." Lance croaks. He closes his eyes with a dumb smile and pulls their two bodies closer together. Keith lets out an embarrassing gasp when their stomachs touch.

"The Galra don't take a day off."
"Mmm," Lance's eyebrows crinkle. He peeks up at Keith through thick lashes.

"If I ask you nicely, will you bring me breakfast in bed?"

"Well I don't know. What have you done for me lately?" Lance pouts, and Keith hates how it makes him want to rush forward and kiss his frown off of him. Instead he just smirks and laughs airily.

"I have been nothing but nice to you lately." Lance flexes his fingers and they stroke Keith's spine.

"You've been...." Keith grins. "Tolerable." He laughs at Lance's wounded face. He sighs and wiggles closer, wrapping his arm over Lance's shoulder and pressing their foreheads together.

"Fiiiiiine, tell me what you want." He concedes.

Lance beams and opens his mouth to answer.

"Hey Lance! Wake up, I need you to help...meeee...."

Hunk bursts through the bedroom door completely uninhibited. His voice crashes into their space and Keith's naked shoulders suddenly feel cold. His forehead is still pressed into Lance's and their eyes stare into each other's, suddenly wide with fear. Their bodies stiffen. Neither breathes. Keith for some reason thinks that if he lies perfectly still, Hunk won't realise he's there. Or maybe there's enough blanket over them that he'll think he's Lance? Oh god, the blanket barely covers their hips. Keith is very obviously half naked in Lance's bed, and Lance's hands are very obviously splayed against Keith's pale back and shit fuck shit shit fuck!

"I'll uh... I can see you two are busy.... Never mind. It can wait." Hunk's voice cracks every which way and he practically slams the door as he scuttles out. Keith comes to his senses first.

"FUCK!" He snaps into action. He's out of the bed and careening into the hallway after Hunk before Lance can even take a breath. Keith's legs buckle under him, not yet used to supporting his weight after eight hours of lying down. The ship's air is cold on his mostly naked body, but he doesn't stop to throw anything on. He darts into the kitchen where Hunk is very busily making himself some hot tea. His cheeks are very red and he pretends not to see Keith when he runs in.

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