Mini Chapter: Introductions

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A/N : If you like this fanfic, please check out my new one titled Red, Red Wolf. It's a one-shot that I did for my friend Sam and I hope you guys will like it as much as you like this one.

"So, I think it's time for introductions." Stiles said awkwardly and clapped his hands. He turned to look at the pack an waved a hand to his uncles. Scott smiled at him and started talking.

"Scott; werewolf, Stiles' bestfriend and Allison's boyfriend."

"Isaac; werewolf."

"Jackson; kanima."

"Boyd; werewolf."


"Let me guess, werewolf." Sam said, rolling his eyes and siging heavily.

"-Banshee." she finished, smirking when she saw the shocked expression run across Sam's face.

"Erica; werewolf." she said, crossing her arms and groaning as she flopped down onto Boyd.

"Allison; werewolf hunter, Scott's mate." Allison said and smiled when Sam and Gabe turned to look at Scott like he was crazy. He shrugged and smiled at them.

They both turned to look at Derek, who still hasn't said anything. Stiles elbowed him in the ribs, and he grunted in response.

"Derek Hale; born werewolf, Stiles' mate and alpha of the pack." Derek grumbled out, buried his face into his mates neck and put his hands protectively on Stiles' belly.

Gabe and Sam stared at them both in shock.

"Wow, Stiles! That's amazing! Alpha! I'm proud, just look at him. He looks like-" Gabe started to say, trying to lighten up the mood, but Sam interrupted him.

"Hale. You're mated to Derek Hale?!" Sam gasped in shock, staring intently at his nephew.

" that a problem?" Stiles said, sadness seeping through. Derek held him tighter and started growling at Sam quietly.

"No! It's not, and I'm actually really happy for you...its just..." Sam trailed off awkwardly. Gabe's eyes widened in realization and stared at Sam.

"You don't think..." He whispered in disbelief and watched as Sam nodded in confirmation.

"I think we should introduce ourselves first, just to get it our of the way, then we'll tell them." Sam told Gabe, who nodded at him and turned to the pack.

"Sam Winchester; Dean's brother, and hunter of all things supernatural." Sam said and waved at the pack, a small smile on his face. Isaac was the only one to wave back.

"Gabriel; Archangel, warrior, trickster and hunter of all things living." he said and popped a jolly rancher into his mouth, winking and tossing one to the pup that waved at Sam.

"So, Sammy, what's up with the freak out?" Dean asked as he crossed his arms over his chest while Cas stared at them, confused.

"Well...we were on a hunt recently. There was a demon, sacraficing kids in a small town in Arizona...I think it was Flagstaff?" Sam said, turning to Gabe who nodded in response.

"She was taking kids that were seven and setting them on fire, but it was..." Sam waved his arms around, trying to come up with a sentence. Gabe continued for him.

"It was unlike anything we've ever seen, and it was chasing someone that I know shouldn't be alive. I can see the resemblance to you." Gabe said carefully, pointing at Derek.

Derek looked at the angel, confused.

"I don't know how to say this, or put it gently but..." Gabe sighed and looked Derek in the eyes.

"Peter's back."

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