Gods Wrath

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"What's happening to him?" Derek asked Cas, looking down at his glowing mate. They took him inside and layed him down when God summoned him.

"He's talking to God." Cas said simply.

"Why isn't he there with him?" Lydia asked, looking at Stiles' limp form.

"Since Stiles hasn't mastered his angelic powers, his body cannot manifest on the plane of the angels, only his subconscious." Cas explained to them, watching as Stiles' glow started to pulsate.


Darkness. That's all I could see when I opened my eyes. I didn't know where I was, all I knew is that I wasn't on earth anymore.

I was in the plane of the angels.

Heaven was dark, not at all like I expected it to be.

"Hello!" I called out into the vast expanse of nothingness, but I got no response.

Wind started to form our of nowhere and the darkness started t fade into light.

I watched in wonder as I saw rocks starting to move and the stars came into existence. Day and night were separated into two, and the planets of our solar system started to turn, and orbit around the Sun.

It was them when I realized I was watching our creation.

I watched as he created every living thing on this earth was created.

I watched time destroy beutiful things, and I watched it create more things that could ever imagined.

I watched so many beutiful things happen. The creation of the lightbulb. The deceleration of independence, Queens and Kings, ruling with a iron fist.

And I watched all the bad things happen too.

Brother killing brother. Neighboring kingdoms, after years of peace going to war. Planes used for killing. The Zeppelin. Hitler, the Holocaust. The Atomic bomb, Hiroshima. All this death and destruction.

The world that I came to know and love.

"It's beautiful, isn't it, my grandson." a strong, powerful voice asked me. I looked around, frantic to find the owner of it. It laughed at me.

"Who's there?" I asked, looking around.

"Wait...grandson...God?!" I yelled into the sky. The earth rumbled beneath me as he laughed again.

"Why did you bring me here? what did you want to talk about?" I asked him, not knowing where to look. I settled my gaze in a nearby tree.

"There is great trouble in your world. Your pack has prayed to me, asking for help."

"Help? Help from what?" I asked as I sat down, leaning on the stump as I gazed into the leaves.

"Something that they, and I, fear may harm your children now and in the future." He told me in a calm voice, which soothed me.

"What...what's wrong with Luca?!" I yelled to the leaves in fear.

"He is being possessed by the demon known as Kate Argent."

"What...why didn't anybody tell me?" I whispered at the leaves, staring at the sun.

"They felt that it was the best thing to do to keep you and your baby healthy."


"Because if they did, you, and Luca would be dead."

Bad Moon RisingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz