Chapter 3{Extracurriculars}

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Hey guys its Reign!  Hey coming back at you with another update! ;)


"Miss Chase, I'd like you to stay after class if you're able."

I nodded my head at my professor, her tightly bound grey hair cemented the image of her brutality in the classroom. Miss O'Brien was strict, but was in turn one of my favorite teachers I've ever had.  She taught no nonsense and if you were incapable of doing your work, you would fail. The bell rang as I was putting my laptop back in my grey purse and smoothed out my skirt before walking down the steps to Miss O'Brien and her old wooden desk.

Once I reached the bottom step I let out a sigh of relief, I was not the most exercise friendly girl. Miss O'Brien was behind her desk now sitting in her high back chair looking rather uncomfortable. Adjusting the tiny circular frames of the brim of her nose she humphs a little and glances at me.

"Miss Chase, I do not usually acknowledge students who exceed as it is seen as a form of favoritism to the lesser minded children. However, you have excelled to the point that I believe you could take the final exam and pass with an A. You discuss theories yet to be discussed in class, and your homework assignments are taken so seriously I fear they might come off the page and become reality."

She pauses taking a sip of the ice water idly sitting on the wood desk, most likely leaving an undeniable water stain that would be a pain to get out. I stiffen at the compliments and pray I could leave soon so I'm able to get to the nearest coffee shop to quench my thirst for the brown caffeinated beverage. It did not come to surprise me of what she was saying, I could practically teach the class if I wished. I had been studying these lessons since my freshmen year of highschool for fun.

"If you don't see it as too much a hassle a couple students have suggested an open study hall for an hour or two during one of the days we are not in class. Normally I would have my TA host the hall, but the semester before I failed to find an adequate person to take that position. I know it may seem unbeneficial for me to request you to fulfill the actions that would normally be done by a TA. I am in position to offer you my sign off on service hours and a stellar letter of recommendation. As you are only a sophmore, I could wait to write it till graduation for you in the next two years. Whichever you prefer."

I was surprised now, an open study hall with willing participants sounded like hell on earth, but if I'm being honest a letter of recommendation from O'Brien could be the deciding factor in getting certain jobs or not.

"That sounds like a fine idea to me, I would love to host a study hall for students in need of help."

I walk out of the classroom after handing her a card with my contact information and sighed discontentedly this would not be my best idea. I'm positive my mother would be ecstatic to hear about this, my god she practically drooled when I told her I was the top of my classes. That's all she ever wanted to hear about when she called, How's classes?, You the top of the charts, aren't you Rose?, I'm so proud that you decided to follow in your father and I's footsteps.

Her and dad were one of the most the extremely well known biologists around. Have you heard of  the woman that figured out how to clone a entire animal. That was my mom, Adeline Chase. Heard of the guy that first completely mapped the human genome. That was my dad, Gregory Chase. Not to mention my brother was the youngest CEO in the world. Quentin Chase, 23 and a billionaire, it was no surprise my parents didn't mention the lack of lab coat and microscope. He owned the largest and finest law firm that had ranked number one in the USA, Canada, Australia, and the U.K for the past two years.

I had a lot to live up too, thankfully for my sake most people don't know that I'm the Rose Chase. I have kept it a well hidden secret in fact. Being safe was one of the reasons, because being related to a couple of the most influential people in the world would just make my life more hard. The attention for one, scared me, I never wanted to be exploited. I wanted to make my parents proud and move on with my life. Their were so many people in the world and a lot people shared names with celebrities most just ignored my name because the way I dress doesn't exactly scream famous.

Even Jason and Zander didn't know, it was merely a safety thing for me and them. What good would it do if they know about my famous and extraordinary family? Honestly when I did decide to tell them I doubt they would sulk so much about it. It shouldn't be that big of a deal, they had never really met my parents. Only the nanny, because my parents were gone all the time for work.

I text Jason and Zander telling them I wouldn't be home for an hour or two. I deserved a coffee break as much as the next.

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