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With a heavy heart, Harry waved good bye to a fearful Ron and walked slowly down to the dungeons at 5 o'clock.  He walked as slow as possible, delaying the inevitable, until he finally arrived outside Snapes office. Taking a steadying breath he lifted his arm and knocked, promising himself as he did, that he would be on his best behaviour. 

The door opened within the second and Harry was face to face with Professor Snape. Snape motioned for Harry to enter. Harry walked in and noticed a large pile of at least 50 cauldrons in the corner. Harry almost smiled with relief. No reading or writing. 

"You are to clean the cauldrons until they shine" Snape said with a nasty smile. The joke was on him harry thought. He was used to cleaning after all. And so he set of scrubbing. God it was boring work. Harry's mind drifted towards the potion master as he sat at his desk writing something. But he had to stay focused he thought shaking himself slightly. He chewed his lip as he continued cleaning. His hands became sore, just like they did when he did the gardening or when dug the hole for the Dursleys water feature in the garden. His hands had stung on that day too and if that wasn't bad enough, Dudley came with his friend piers and pushed harry in the hole and started to kick mud down on top of him. At least Dudley wasn't here now Harry thought. If he was all the cauldrons would be smashed and no doubt some would have been chucked at Harry's head. 


Harry jumped. He'd been so lost in his thoughts, he had let go of the cauldron he was cleaning and it now lay broken on the cold dungeon floor. Snape was beside him in an instant. 

"Well congratulations Potter you remain the most incompetent student I have ever had the misfortune to teach" Snape snarled with a contempt grin. "You've earned yourself an extra hours detention tonight"

Harry didn't dare speak, but he threw Professor Snape the dirtiest look he could muster, which did not go unnoticed. If possible, Snapes nasty yellow smile grew even wider.

"Potter you have no right to look at me like that, you need to learn some respect for superiors." Snape began circuling Harry like a snake eyeing its prey. It sent shivers up Harry's spine but he refused to let it show.  Determined not to look at Snape, Harry resumed the scrubbing with somewhat more aggression than before. 

"It fits that you would be this arrogant potter, you see you're father was just the same. His head was almost as inflated as yours, he too used strut around the castle like he owned the place, he believed himself to be above rules as well"

"I bet my dad was twice the man you are!" Harry said, now trembling with rage as he scrubbed even header, rubbing his hands raw. 

Snape looked angrier than harry had ever seen him. "Your father was a swine!" He spat with venom in his voice, eyes boring into Harry. As he continued to circle."Oh how delighted you must have been to find yourself famous" he laughed before his voice became dangerously dark. "You don't fool me Potter, I know what you are, your a spoilt insolent brat that-"

"SHUT UP!" Harry roared, his anger getting the best of him "you don't know a thing about me or my dad!"

"I know more than a half witted little first year I can tell you that" Snape growled, advancing on Harry, who would have flinched away had it not been for the rage consuming him. 

"Look who's arrogant now" Harry said coldly, looking Snape dead in the eyes. Snapes face went rigid and he turned a shade of purple uncle Vernon would be proud of. Anger had overcome him and he raised a hand and struck harry hard across the face. The force causing harry to loose balance and fall to the floor. Snape took large breathes. What had he done? He'd never hit a student before. Snape was horrified at what he had just done, he expected Harry to back off, call for help, or at least  look afraid, maybe even cry. But harry did no such thing. He stood up and raised his little head proudly and glared at his professor with startling green eyes. He stood as if readying himself to be hit again. Snape winced as he looked into the emerald eyes. He couldn't bare to see those eyes so full of hate towards him. 

Harry Potter and the secret PastTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang