She didnt, did she?

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Severus cursed.

The sound of the quill hitting the ground brought Snape back to his senses. This was not information he intended to let Harry be privy to.

"Harry go practice sounding out your words in the bedroom for a few minutes" he demanded

What? No way was Harry leaving now. Things had just got interesting. Had madam Pomfrey actually said Professor McGonagall had attacked the headmaster? Harry thought his head of house must have gone loopy to do such a thing. Why would anyone want to hurt Dumbledore?

"Now please, Mr.Potter" Snape ordered after noticing Harry's hesitation

"But I- " Harry cried in outrage. The potion master didn't care for the defiant expression forming on the boys face.

"But you what? You want to listen to a private adult conversation after clearly being asked to leave? Snape asked, his left eyebrow rising in warning.

Harry had the decency to blush. He knew he should never disobey or question an adult. If Snape was uncle vernon, Harry would be getting the belt already. He threw a frustrated glare at his professor before grabbing his book and marching back into the bedroom he'd slept in last night.
It just wasn't fair! He wanted to know what had happened too! What if McGonagall has gone crazy and was going to attack others too? Harry needed to know. What could Dumbledore have possibly done to make the professor so angry at him? Harry had never seen McGonagall lose her temper before.

He stormed into the other room hoping to keep the door open but it swung shut as soon as he had entered the room. He put is ear to it hoping to hear something of the adults conversation but, all that met his ears was silence. Dam Snape! Harry kicked the bottom of the door in frustration.

Once the door had closed behind the boy, Severus rounded on the head in the fire. "How bad are we talking here?" He asked gravely, praying to merlin the old cat wasn't fired.

"May I come through?"

Severus inclined his head and sank on to dining chair, feeling like he'd aged ten years in the last 10 minutes.
Madam Pomfrey gracefully exited the floo and sat in the chair Harry had recently vacated. "Minerva will be okay, Albus has always had a soft spot for her, and..." she broke into a sly smile, "there's always blackmail"

"Blackmail?" Severus echoed in bewilderment "what on Earth happened to the fair, law abiding matron I once knew?"

Poppy actually laughed fixing the man with a teasing stare "come now Severus, fair certainly , but that does not always equate to law abiding" she winked mischievously.
"Besides" she continued, "that man left poor Harry with those monsters all those years, I quite think his new devil horns are rather fitting"

Severus snorted, completely disbelieving. But Poppy's eyes were twinkling.. there was no way. Was there?

"That's what she did to him?"

"That was the first thing she did to him" Poppy  corrected, looked rather pleased.

Severus chuckled. That cat had some guts. Devil horns on Albus Dumbledore, who would believe it! It was so ridiculous Severus had to laugh. Slowly his chuckles turned into great belly laughs as he pictured the great wizards face. Poppy grinned at the mans reaction, very rarely did the man let his hair down and have a good laugh. His laughter was contagious and soon Poppy was crying with laughter.

Once they had both sobered and Poppy had wiped her tears, Severus summoned a pot of tea for his guest.
"So do tell Poppy, what else did our lioness do to the 'great' wizard"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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