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"Dear Y/n.

You've probably been waiting for me to come today and I'm so sorry that I couldn't.

I guess by the time this letter reaches you. I'll already be up in the air.

No, not dead you silly.💜

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about this sooner Y/n. I didn't want to see you cry since you look so ugly when you cry. :(

Not really. You're always beautiful but I do hate seeing you cry. The reason why I didn't want you to know. Simply because I wanted to enjoy my time being with you like any other normal day we'd have.

I didn't want to spend my last hours having to see you shed unnecessary tears even after assuring that I'll come back.

As of where I'm heading? I can't tell you exactly where or how long it'll take. But there's this 'Princey Things' I have to take care of overseas. Studies and stuffs.

god I already miss you so much.

I'm afraid I'll have to stop here Princess or else I might wet my own paper after working so hard on writing.

I promise I'll be back soon Y/n. Don't forget me okay? Love you.

Your Little Prince,
Kim Tae Hyung.


You remember how your heart had slowly ripped inside our chest as you read every written words. You recalled the faint drops mingling with the letters written on that piece of paper.

Those tears didn't come from you though. They were already there when you got the letter.

They were his tears.

You remember noticing the messy penmanship, grudged in a way than usual. Your heart snapped when you realize he was writing it with a trembling hand.

Imagine having to put on a smile and pretend everything's okay yet knowing you'd be parting away soon?

Taehyung's sudden leave left a huge effect on you. To a point where it left you physically and mentally sick. You missed him.

It didn't take until a month to finally have you back on track and eventually resume back to your studies.

Your parents and everyone around you were really left worried.

But what could you do?

You just lost your bestfriend.

7 Years Later


Her immense shrill echoes through the wave of those empty chairs and tables making you cringe from annoyance .

Luckily the first costumer of the day decides to shut her up by entering the doors of the place and you sigh in relief, internally thanking whoever it was before resuming back to mopping the last section of the shop.

Lisa allows the item to slip off her finger tips and smack the tiles of the floor before assisting your saviour.

"What can I get for you sir?"

Whatever happens after that? You leave it for someone else to know.

It's been a busy afternoon, quick movements being made, and despite having to deal with that last raccoon of a customer a while ago. You're just glad this hectic day's finally come to an end.

Your minds draws to a bliss as you thrived to sink your exhausted body inside the comforts of your bed and fall deep in love with sleep again. And you know you'll do it soon.

A huff of relief swifts off the cave of your mouth as you slump your butt on one of the chairs, a mop held tightly and standing strong in your grasp.

The place's finally spotless and you smile bitterly as you enjoy the sight before you.

As much as you wanted to just sit there all day resting your exhausted limbs against the soft mush of your butt and the shiny wood in your elbow. You have food and bed waiting for you with open arms at home.


The sight that awaits you when you stand and turn, makes you roll your eyes for the nth time today but a soft chuckle slips your tongue nontheless.

You stalk your way up to the unconscious girl after settling the cleaning items away and changing out of your work uniform.

Lisa's completely passed out in the counter, the side of her face propped up to rest comfortably on top of her crossed arms.

You snicker silently as you find a trail of drool dropping the side of her lips, before unconsciously brushing your tongue over the bottom of your own when her soft snores rumbles the back of her throat.

You're about to wake her up and tell her it was time to go home. But something tucked underneath her head catches your attention and you avert your gaze away from her.

There's a moment of silence as you take in the somehow familiar details of the item and that's when it hits you.

It's the same magazine she's been squealing at since this morning.

You ignore the way she stirs in her spot, incoherent mumbles leaving her lips yet her eyes are still shut tight, as you - not so gently- pull the pack of papers out to your front.

Its a gossip magazine. Typical Lisa.

You roll your eyes before flicking through the pages of the item.

Handsome looks flashes before your eyes but you're left unfazed as you read through their bio. You can't believe you've abandoned your mission on waking up the sleeping girl beside you and engage your anti-social self to this world of nonsense.

"What am I even doing." You mutter to yourself in disbelief.

There's this part of a page where it's flipped flat in half. Lisa probably wanted to read it later or something.

And thus. Your interest's been caught by the alluring sticky web of curiousity.

You don't think twice before snapping your finger on its hem and flipping it open.

There's a picture of a man there dressed up in a dashing red. Its almost like a Royal outfit, but you don't know. Starting from his neck to his perfectly shined shoes. His structure's visible for whoever reads this kind of things, But his face.

There's a big question mark taking over and hiding away his pixeled features.

Your eyes soon hovers to the words written just at the top corner of the page and when you sink the informations. You freeze.

"...After seven long years of training outside the Country. We're glad to announce that THE Prince Kim Tae Hyung, second son of our beloved King Kim Se Jung , and the heir to the throne. Has finally returned back to his precious country of Korea."

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