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A Few Days Later

"I think we should pick a spooky theme."

It's currently four in the morning. Lisa's tired, you're still sleepy and the whole world's still silent.

Just ten minutes ago, your best friend's mother called to check the condition of the cafe business.

Lisa thought it would be a good idea to wake you up and drag you in on the conversation. Though reluctant, you abandoned your sleep just to watch her talk with her mother over the phone.

This happens all the time actually. More often than one could think. You almost forgot how annoying a parent can get some times. Luckily, you have Lisa's mother to remind you about that.

You cover your mouth as you let out an ugly yawn.

Lisa's mother mentioned that she'd stop by in the city in a couple of days. When asked what specific date however, she said it was a secret.

You could hear what they were talking about since Lisa had it on loud speaker.

And the reason why she called at four in the morning has something to do with time zone.

Lisa's parents are currently overseas handling things related to business. Fortunately for them, they own about seven successful companies all over Asia. So they're really, really busy. Lisa gets to only see them once every two months from how busy they are.

You rub your eyes and hug the pillow tight. It's still dark outside but the sun should be out in an hour or two.

"When did she say she was coming?"

"She didn't say." Lisa drops her phone on the night stand beside your bed. "So what do you think? Spooky theme?"

You release a yawn for god knows how many times in an hour. "That's really up to you. It's not my cafe."

Lisa's mother is known to be quite a perfectionist and someone who finds pleasure in anything you'd claim as 'aesthetic'.

She loves holidays too as they give her the reason to decorate and pull out whatever ideas she has in mind.

As a matter of fact, she owns a company that's solely dedicated for that purpose. She helps in wedding planning, birthdays, baptism and not too long ago, a royal family from another kingdom had requested for her help to throw a royal ball.

At this rate, you could say Lisa's parents hold a very important role in this society.

"Come on, Y/n." She pinches her lips into a pout and blankly stares at the dark wall. "You know how mom can be. Help a precious friend out."

You lay back down and throw the blanket over you. "It's not Halloween yet. Try an indoor garden cafe. Your mother loves plants doesn't she?"

"I knew I could count on you." Your best friend tells you. She slides under the blanket beside you with a big grin stretched across her face. "Now all I need is a designer."

"I can make a few calls." You tell her in a breathy manner, feeling your eyes slowly close. You know a few people that are cut out for the job. They may not be as famous as Lisa's parents but you can guarantee they're the best at their game.

This is coming from having watching them work in real time too.

"That'd be awesome ."

When it comes to spending a couple bucks, Lisa has no problem with it. If she wants to design her cafe, then she needs it to go all out. Her mother's a hard person to impress.

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