Tessaira (In The Bathroom)

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What the hell was I thinking? Tess scolded herself.

Jimmy is with Jessica, and even if they weren't an item yet, Jessica liked him. I should not have done that!

She looked at herself in the mirror, hating the reflection of a flushed and puffy lipped woman staring back at her.

Tess ran the water in the sink, washing away the afterglow. She let the water run over her wrists, trying to get her thoughts together.

She knew a few things for sure.

Jimmy had feelings for Jessica. Why else would he have spent the night with her last night? Obviously he felt a connection with her.

Jessica had feelings for Jimmy. Whether Jess was fickle with love or not, she still was a friend, and she liked Jimmy. There is no way she could ever tell Jessica what happened. It would crush her.

Finally, Jimmy would never be hers. Whether or not he was with Jessica, she would never be OK knowing that he had been with her friend in a relationship or otherwise.

A shudder went down her spine at the thought of what happened between Jimmy and Jessica the night before. Then another for what just happened between her and Jimmy.

What have I done?

Movement from outside of the bathroom grabbed her attention. She turned the water off, dried her hands off, and grabbed the towel she used that morning from the back of the door to cover herself. She ducked her head out of the bathroom scanning her apartment for Jimmy.

From the bathroom door she could see the bedroom and part of the living room. He wasn't in sight.

She walked out of the bathroom towards the kitchen and heard the fridge door shut and a bottle open.

She peeked into the kitchen and saw Jimmy standing with his head tilted back drinking a bottle of water in his jeans and no shirt. His muscles at ease after their past exertion, lean but visible. His smooth chest and toned torso, leading down to the perfect V of his pelvis. He was so gorgeous.

But not yours, she told herself.

She took a deep breath and walked to the bar area that separated the living room and the kitchen.

She felt Jimmy's eyes following her as she took a seat on one of the stools.

"You OK?" he asked leaning against the counter towards her from the other side of the bar.

"I'm fine. Thanks for coming with me today. To Wall Street, I mean." She felt her cheeks reddening at her awkward statement. Great, she thought.

He laughed his deep chuckle and leaned closer to her. "Tess, I've really missed you. And there are a few things I need to talk to you about," he said.

Uh, oh, she thought. She would not have been able to handle him rejecting her, even though she knew he should, because he was with Jessica.

"Look, Jimmy, let's just call this what it was. Emotions were high from seeing each other after so long. Things happened, and it was an accident. I apologize I let it get that far."

She couldn't help but look at her feet the whole time she spoke. She knew if she looked up at him, his amazing eyes would never let her get anything out.

"Tess, what the hell are you talking about?" he asked, a little edge to his voice.

Tess' head snapped up. There were only ever a few times Jimmy was mad at her, and even then he didn't cuss at her.

She could see the hurt in his eyes, but that was good. It would make everything so much easier if he were mad at her for being so stupid and letting things get out of hand.

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