Tessaira (In Her Apartment)

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Jessica walked through the open door, coming back after the blow out Tess immediately regretted once her friend walked out.

She had no idea why she was so mad when Jess told her about Joey, but she thought it had a lot to do with Jimmy being in the room.

She was trying her hardest to get over him. And him being in the room when Jess revealed the new guy she was dating wasn't such a great guy, she blew.

She wanted so badly to be able to move on with someone else, even if it wasn't Joey, but with Jimmy around, it would be impossible. Every time she saw him now, she wanted nothing more than to sit on his lap with his arms around her, having him tell her everything would be OK, that he loved her. But she knew he would never love her, and she shouldn't love him.

Jessica shut the door behind her and walked over to Tess who was still sitting in her chair. Tess looked up at her, "I'm so sorry, Jessica."

"You've already said that, so tell me what you are sorry for and why then we will go from there," Jessica was all business, clearly still upset, all humor aside.

Jessica sat back on the couch where Jimmy had sat before. Tess looked back at her feet.

"I'm sorry that I blew up when you were just being a good friend and looking out for me. I'm sorry that you had to see that side of me."

"Tess, I could really care less that you blew up. I'm not fragile, and I can dish just as much as I can take, but what you said is what bothers me, and not only what you said to me."

Tess looked up at her friend, "What do you mean 'what I said'?"

The whole blow up was about Joey, she didn't think she said anything to hurt Jess, or Jimmy for that matter.

"Think, Tess."

Tess concentrated on her feet again. She saw red when Jess told her about Joey; she told her it was none of her business. But of course it was Jessica's business, she was her friend. And that's what friends do; they look out for each other.

"When I said it was none of your business, I didn't mean that, Jess. I was just mad because Joey seems like a good guy, and I am trying to date. You know how much I hate dating," she fibbed. Dating really wasn't the issue. Her feelings for Jimmy and always comparing men to him were the problem.

"Close, but no cigar. Keep thinking," Jessica said, her patience running thin.

The only other things she had really said was to Jimmy after he made a smart-ass comment causing her to see a vibrant shade of red.

"I'm here because your best friend asked me to be. To help support her and you." Jimmy had said, turning the brunt of Tess' anger on himself.

"Well, it's just so great that you two can count on each other while burning me. You are no one to me anymore, so let me know when the wedding is, Jimmy. I'll make sure not to attend." She had said with such venom.

A stabbing pain hit her chest, causing Tess to double over in pain, covering her face with her hands.

Just keep tallying, there, Tess. You are doing such a great job at hurting everyone you love.

"Tess, are you OK?" Jessica asked, standing next to her chair, rubbing her back.

Tess tried taking deep breaths, calming herself down, but they kept getting stuck in her windpipe making her go into coughing fits.

Jessica pulled her hands away from her face, "Tess?"

"Good God, Jessica. I keep hurting him, don't I?

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