Chapter 13: Fiance ( LIKE HOW IT FEELS)

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So just turn it up, let me go
I'm alive, yes you know, never stop
Give me more, more, more

I like how it feels, Enrique Iglesias
_ _ _ _
Dedicated to Ishani_1824

After having a refreshing bath I went downstairs to find Liam sitting in the lobby.
" Took you long enough. "
" A woman has her needs. "

"Sure", he smirked.
"Stop smirking so much. You'll get a twisted face. "

We entered the restaurant and ordered our breakfast.

" Are we going anywhere today? ", I asked buttering the toast.
" Yes. They planned some site seeing for today. But if you're feeling tired we can stay back. "
I was taken aback by his show of concern.
It's a SHOW.
Yeah. Right. I forgot.
"No. It's okay . We can go places today. "
He nodded and we went back to eating.
" By the way, who are 'they'? "
"Huh? "
" You know, you just said 'They planned' "
" Oh. Our lovely parents. " , he said sarcastically.
" Obviously", I said . Shit, I should've known they had something in mind.

We exited our hotel and Leon came forward greeting us.

"Good morning sir. Good morning ma'am. Ready to get started? "
I nodded all excited. I love beaches and collecting shells. Although I had already taken a bath, but if I had a chance I'd love to have a dip in the sea.

We went to the Sun Islands . It was adorned with some stunning beaches, beautiful tropical flowers, and lavish greenery .
We walked on the beach for some time. And by we, I mean just me. Cause Liam was on the phone the entire time. If I had to attend so many calls, I'm sure I'd go crazy.
After some time, I felt hungry again.
"I'm hungry. Let's go someplace to eat. "
He just nodded and suddenly his phone started ringing.
" Just a minute. ", he said.
Here we go again. A phone call.
I shook my head. This man is incorrigible. Walking some more distance I heard a familiar voice.
I recognized it as Liam's.
He walked this far? He was standing behind a tree and talking in some what of a hushed tone. I didn't want to pry so I kept walking.
"Yes Melissa, I'll come back as soon as I can. I promise. "
I abruptly stopped walking. I knew it would be wrong to eavesdrop but I couldn't help it.
" I'll come back, baby. Okay? "
Tears strung my eyes. I walked in the opposite direction quickly, making sure not to make a sound.
"Dammit Ash. Don't cry. ", I said to myself.
I have a habit of coaxing myself when no one else was there to do the same. It's a habit I took up. All thanks to Liam again.
"He's not worth it. Stop. "
I saw him coming from a distance and quickly wiped off my tears. I can't let him see this side of mine. I can't let him see how he still gets me after two years.

"Sorry that took a long time . C'mon let's go ."

" No. Actually I think I just lost my appetite. I'm a bit tired. Can we head back to hotel? "
He gave me a weird look.
" Have you.. have you been crying? "
Dammit! He always got me.

"No. Wha-what? Why would I cry? ", I gave a nervous laugh.
" Your eyes seem red. "
" Oh. Breeze blew and I guess sand got into my eyes. "
He nodded and led the way. I was getting a feeling that he wasn't convinced.

We reached hotel around 3. I seriously had lost my appetite and just wanted to lay down. I was looking outside the entire time. Liam tried breaking the ice but it just angered me more.
But I shouldn't be angry. I kept on reminding myself. It's a sham. Our relationship is a sham. He's nothing to me.
Getting inside the room I quickly went to freshen up. But as I approached the bathroom Liam quickly overtook me and got inside.

" Liam! What the hell! "

"Last time you went first. Remember? "
" Seriously? Now we'll act like kids? "

" Well, we could do adult stuff too. The bathroom door is always open for you, you know. " , he winked and I turned crimson red.

" In your dreams Anderson. ", I huffed and went to the porch, keeping the towel on the bed.
I was enjoying the sea breeze when suddenly ,
" She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes"

Looking around I found a man who was looking at me with his back rested on the wall. As soon as I looked he gave a smile to which I smiled back.
" Hello there. " , he greeted.

" Hey. ", I smiled meekly. The guy was actually cute when he smiled.

" Quite a poem there. "

"What can I say? Lord Byron never misses to mesmerize me. And also the girls I hit upon. ", he winked.
I was a bit astounded by his frankness but I ended up laughing.

" I'm Ashley. "

" I'm Oliver. Are you here on business or pleasure? "

" Well, we are on a vacation. "

" 'We'?"

Shit. What will I say now?
I'm here with Liam, my boss!
I'm here with Liam, my fiance.
No, please.

" Umm. I'm here with a friend. "

" Oh well. Have a nice stay here. We'll meet soon. "

"Okay. Bye. "

He walked off occasionally looking back with his hands in his pockets.
I too went inside smiling. Finally it felt nice to talk to someone. As I opened the door I was greeted with Liam. An angry Liam rather.
" A friend? ", he asked.
" Sorry?"
" ' I'm here with a friend '?"
So he heard. This jerk.
" Well technically my enemy who is my boss and my to-be-husband and also who angers and irritates me 24×7. A jerk, an a$$hole, sorry, mind my langu-"
Grabbing my hands he pushed me on the opposite wall and looked directly into my eyes. Uh oh. I had angered the beast.
" Your fiance. Remember. That. I'm your fiance. Next time you make me introduced, refer to me as your fiance. "
" Or what?! ", I wasn't going down without a fight.

His eyes softened a bit as if realising that I had answered back. Effing chauvinist. He let go of my hands and distanced himself.
Smirking he said, " You'll get to know in time. Let's go eat. "
He left me hanging and went outside.
Such a Freak.


That's chapter 13 for you. A tad bit late. I know :"(
But I've been a bit busy with projects and also my second work here on wattpad .


Cause the second book is actually for a competition. It's a one shot story which means there's only one chapter depicting a particular scene or act.


name : The Beta's unwanted mate : One shot
You'll find it in my profile.





*runs through the entire house screaming yaaayy *

I love you guys so much for your love and support.
You guys are awesome!

Next update, next week.
Till then,
Buh bye
Love you,

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