"I didn't want to publish BIYA...." + About Me

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It was a week earlier that I posted the chapter saying that if we reach 40K, I'll post another part. And today it already has 50K reads. Not to brag or anything but I HAVE THE BEST READERS IN THE WORLD! Thank you my dandelions for constantly supporting me with your votes and love. I could never ask for any better guys than you all. So here comes a massive thank you!

Okay since we've reached somewhat of a milestone of 50K, I thought it was finally the time to sit down with you guys and talk like there's no tomorrow, like a friend.

At first I didn't want to publish a book like Back Into Your Arms. The entire plot was cliché and I kinda hate cliché plots. I actually wanted to write a book something with the plot of The Left Broken Wing, infact, a very very long time ago I had published a book with three chapters only before taking it down. Now I cant remember the name of the book, but I somewhat knew what to write, until I didn't know what to write anymore. It was a really badly written book with only 500-600 words per chapter. It took me two weeks to make up my mind to take it down.

But I wanted to write.

I love this particular chick-lit/romance genre dealing with marriage and other things revolving it. No I'm not a psycho who would love to get married to an arrogant billionaire, but I like how there can be different variations to marriage. So I finally made up my mind to write something like that BUT in an Anti-cliché way.

My story didn't revolve around forceful marriage due to business deal or something like that. I combined the themes of ex-wife/ex-husband with forced marriage. I wanted to do at least something different with my book, to make it stand-out a little bit. And I sincerely hope that you felt the same too. By the time I turned 17, I had made up my mind about what I wanted to write. So on June 25th,2018, I posted the first part of BIYA.

The name is actually inspired from the song Into Your Arms by the band The Maine (it's the song I used in epilogue). I was using a blackberry phone(yes in 2017) temporarily(also, it was my father's friend's phone) and let me be honest IT'S A FUCKING DISASTER . It wasn't the touch-type phone, yes honey I'm talking about the one that has buttons smaller than my butthole. So needless to say I didn't even bother downloading songs from the internet(cause who doesn't like listening to songs duh). I've been using android for the better part of my life until recently and hence downloading songs from sites was a normal thing for me. It was then that I found a 30 sec video of the song on the phone. I didn't have anything else to hear to so my sad ass began listening to it 15 times a day, until I completely became a fan of the song and began listening to it on youtube(the full version). So this is the story behind the name inspiration.

I didn't know whom to cast except Liam. I'm pretty sure Alperen Sahin is an Instagram model and so his pictures where almost everywhere. Once I saw him I immediately knew whom I would cast for the part of Liam. I then started reading Character Inspiration books to gain more knowledge about all the celebrities because I don't know who is who by name, I just know the faces. That's how I made my cast ready.

And then I began writing the story. I wanted Ashley to put up a fight and not just say 'Umm okay lets get married' cause they were rivals! I mean imagine somebody cheating on you and then asking to kiss and makeup. Or something like someone stealing your pizza piece and then compensating it with a toffee! I know what I would do, slit their tongue and feed it to the dogs.

Haha just a joke.

Not a joke.

A joke.

So not a joke. You better not steal a pizza piece.

Anyway so that's that. I did not have the chapters planned. I sat down with my mobile phone with a blank screen and typed then and there. Some writers think,write,edit but not me. I wrote, I published. So yes every chapter is improvised. There were times I felt like I should drop out of this habit cause I didn't know where I should take the story to, but I just don't know how it all played out so well.

I wasn't planning on killing Emily. But like I said, this is not your cliché story, Susan! Kyle was not even in the picture and the entire rape/harassment was something that hadn't even occurred to me. BUT all happens for a reason. Imagine Supernatural casting two stupid actors and not Jared and Jensen, gosh I'm cringing at the thought of it. So I'm really happy with the way the story turned out.

That's all about the book inspiration! I hope you've enjoyed the book and my hopes of rendering a theme a little different than others was successful. If not, that's not a problem, cause cliché or no cliché, I just want my readers to sit down after a tiring day, snuggle with their cat and enjoy reading the book with a cup of hot chocolate.

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So this is my ugly ass 18 yo self

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So this is my ugly ass 18 yo self. I am an Indian(to all my Indian readers, Wattup?) living in Calcutta(sorry its 2019 but I still can't call it Kolkata). So if you're in India AND in Calcutta, hit me up and I can sign your mugs and T-shirts XD

I LOVE VINES (rip). I probably know every vine ever made. Youtube is like my second best friend cause it helps me cope depression by recommending me stupid videos(yesterday it recommended how a guy proposes to a 6' something tall girl to a prom). I love Nate Garner's vlogs and he's like the most honest youtuber.

BUZZFEED UNSOLVED is my life. I'm not even kidding, I need a friend like Shane Madej. If god did something right, it was pairing up Ryan and Shane for the series.

I've watched some TV series including Vampire Diaries, Arrow, Friends, Supernatural etc. and a lot more is on my list. I also love anime. I fan girl Stephen James almost every second of the day(thank you Wattpad). I love cooking and by cooking I mean making snacks.

I don't really have any favourite author but I loved Gone Girl and this started my love for thriller genre. I DO NOT LIKE Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, don't ask why, I just don't. Trust me I've tried, my ex-boyfriend tried, but we all failed. I just simply don't like it, end of discussion. I'd rather read Ruskin Bond.

Although some people might find this odd, but I'm not a huge fan of Bollywood. Its not that I don't watch Bollywood movies, but my interest lies more in movies like My Name Is Khan(to every single soul reading this, please watch this movie), Kahani etc. So I like more of serious and mature-genre movies than Varun Dhawan stupidity(curse whoever casted him in the first place).

Okay I'll stop my blabbering now. I just realised that this might be THE LAST part of the book, meaning no more updates over here, meaning no more "Till the next update guys" . I feel sad already. Now since none of you commented on the story, please take five minutes and write down an honest review here. It would mean the world to me if you'd share your experience with the book.

I'll see you again on TLBW,

Chandraboli Das❤️

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