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« Vivian's P.O.V »

"That's the 'creepy looking dude' at the park who was staring at us." Says Jessie quietly.

When she's quiet she's worried or thinks the worst case scenario.

"Jessie, don't worry. It's just a coincidence that he left when we left." I say even though I am worried myself.

I noticed he also left in that SUV Nayeli was staring at and right now there's one behind us and in front of us. I'm actually getting a little paranoid now.

"Are you ok?" Asks Nayeli.

"Umm...yeah. I'm just being paranoid."

I'm actually really paranoid.

"Because of those SUVs ,and that 'creepy looking dude' at the park you guys keep mentioning?" She asks in one breath.

She read my mind.


"I know, I am too." She says gripping the steering wheel.

"Ok pull over for a second and see what happens." I tell Nayeli and she pulls over.

"Why did we stop?" Asks Jasmin.

"Because those SUVs are creepy." I say.

"Oh." They all say except Sofia.

The SUV behind us just goes slower behind us but it doesn't stop. The one infront of us is just going slower too.

Ok, this is very weird.

"Ok just keep going." I sigh.

"What now? They didn't leave us alone so now what?" Ask Mal fidgeting with her hair.

"I'll look up some other routes." I search on google but it's pretty slow.

I found a route, it's a little longer but whatever.

"There's a route like 2 miles away. It's route 62 so turn there when we get there." I tell Nayeli.

« Jessie's POV »

What if the people in the SUVs' are bad people?

What do they want?

Do they want to kidnap us? Oh no, what if they ra—

"There's a route like 2 miles away. It's route 62 so turn there when we get there." Viv tells Nayeli.

"Wait, why are we going on another route?" Asks Sofia confused.

"because of those SUVs'." Viv tells Sofia.

"So what? It's not like we are going to get kidnapped or killed." Sofia says rolling her dark brown eyes.

"We're going to take another route and if they don't leave us then we can really start worrying." Nayeli tells everyone.

"I'm not worried." Sofia says.

She doesn't take anything seriously.

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