•Trienta y Dos•

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<<<Jamal's P.O.V>>>

"Juan is a heartless Capo."she said.

I'm utterly surprised by this young girl.

"Juan doesn't care what happens to my sister. He isn't planning on giving you the shipment at all." she said.

This is not part of the deal. I need that shipment. I can feel the anger rush throw my veins.

"How do I know you're not lying?" I asked.

"You don't ,but if you really think I'm lying meet me behind the Butte Motel. With my sister. I'll be there alone ,with the shipment." she said and before I could ask another question she'd already hung up.

Well what can I do now.

"J-bust ,get two vehicles ready ,we're going out."

<<<Nayeli's P.O.V>>>

(Back at the security house)

After Miguel ran into the kitchen and kidnapped Jessie we all stuffed into one car.

"What exactly  is going on?" I asked Marcelo.

"Well Miguel is an over dramatic king ,and exaggerated the whole situation. Juan ,Leo and Vivian are in the states. They're there to rescue Natalia. She's been kidnapped by The Black Spades. The Black Spades are a gang in progress and they're holding Natalia hostage. They're also one of our suspects for kidnapping you and the girls. They want to trade Natalia for a very important shipment. So Leo asked us to go. Just in case anything goes wrong." Marcelo said.

"Natalia is being held captive by a gang?!" asked Jessie  from the back of the car.

"This is unbelievable." I say.

"But it'll be fine," Marcelo said looking straight into my eyes and a warm smile.

He looked back at the road and started driving.


Someone's phone started ringing.

"Hello?" asked Miguel through the phone.

"Yeah ,you're going too?" he asked.

"Oh they're at the West Wood Hotel." he said.

"You started to miss Iker?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Well, we'll see you soon. Bye ,be careful." he said and with that he hung up.

"Who was it?" asked Marcelo.

"Zarie shes going too," he said.

I wounder who that is.

<<<A Few Hours Later>>>

Its around 6:00pm so we were on the road for a while. But we're finally here ,and I get to stretch my legs. We'd stopped at some gas stations to get food ,but we never stayed longer than 10 minutes. So we didn't get to walk around.

Marcelo parked in front of the hotel and told this one dude that we were under Mirelez reservation. The dude  immediately let us into the hotel and another dude took the car. The other cars that came with us went with the car we were in. 

The hotel was big. It was very fancy. Inside there were a bunch of people ,but it wasn't crowded. All these people were wearing fancy clothes and they were very elegant. The ceiling was filled with engraved drawings and beautiful crystal chandeliers. This place is way too fancy for me. This place is really pretty but I have a weird feeling about today ,like something gonna happen.

"Whoa," says Jessie.

"I know," I say.

"Hey ,Marcelo! Miguel!" yelled an unfamiliar voice coming behind us.

"Zarie?!" asked Marcelo turning around and once he saw a young girl ,he smiled widely and opened his arms wide for her to fill. She jumped into his arms with a wide smile.

Ok then. I don't know why ,but I don't like this girl already.

"Zarie!" said Miguel excited as well and he hugged her. As well as Salvador and Dante.

"Are these Vivian's friends?" she asked wide eyed and hugged me.

"umm..." I say while in this very uncomfortable position.

"Oh ,I'm so sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Zarie Mirelez. Cousin of  Marcelo's Miguel, and Vivian's." she said as she hugged the rest of the girls.

Wow ,she seems really nice. Shes very energetic as well.

"Vivian has told me good things about you all," she said with a friendly smile.

"We'd say the same ,but we haven't seen Vivian in forever," I say trying to laugh ,but I'm worried for her. Shes been going through all of this and none of us has been able to be there for her.

"Well we're about to see her. Let just go upstairs." she said as she patted my shoulder.

"Yeah ,lets go!" says Jessie.

"Alright we're on the 13th floor. You guys go ahead I have to talk with an employee. Nayeli stay with me and accompany me," he asked.

I really want to see Vivian already. Hes a big boy ,he'll be fine by himself.

"Well I really want to see Vivian already." I say. His facial expressions became serious ,like the first time I saw him. His eyes turned a darker green than they usually are. He grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him.

"That wasn't a question it was a demand." he said as his lips curled up and became a smirk.

"ok ,then. I'll see you guys later." I tell the girls.

Marcelo asked the lady behind the register for something and she left ,while we waited for her to be back. I kept my expression straight thinking about Vivian and how she is.

"I saw your face when I hugged Zarie. You were mad weren't you?" he asked. I turned to look at him.

"Mad? I barley even know you," I scoffed.

"Alright ,be as stubborn as you want." he said and then he came closer to my ear and whispered ," I'll just make you fall for me quicker." he said. Before I could say anything the girl had been back already and said something ,but i was too distracted by trying to hide my red cheeks to pay attention. But then I herd Marcelo say "See you later then ,bella" and the girl giggled sheepishly.

As we walked away I asked "What was that?"

"Nothing. Oh , here let me tie your shoe," he said as he bent down and grabbed my shoe. I was too distracted for his actions that I didn't notice what he was doing,"so you won' fall for me so quickly. I have a date to attend..." he said.

I swear I haven't felt sooo many mixed emotions until now.


Hey its me! SO this book is almost to it's end. I just want to say how much I appreciate all of you who read my book ,and wait for my very late updates. I promise I'll treat you better in the future. *Wink,wink* Tank you for those of you who enjoy my story. Next •Trienta y Tres•

June 1 ,2019

Again, I wrote chapters 30-36 in May and I'm barely editing and publishing so yeah. Also I forgot to edit the last 'Author Note'. Forgive me. Enjoy!


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