Chapter 4

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Addison's Pov

We arrived at the event. The place was huge and elegantly decorated, everyone was dressed up in their best clothes. We walked into the entrance and my eyes grew wide for a second. Everything looked so expensive, everything had a place. The theme was black and white for the event.

People were coming from all directions to greet Brax, it was like being back in school with the popular boy. He shook everyone's hand and greeted them in return while I just stood there trying to catch my breath.

He was absolutely right, I don't fit in whatsoever.

I was so nervous, anxious, my hands were beginning to get clammy. I was trying to regulate my breathing when Brax asked me if I was ok.

"Yeah, I-I just need some air." I stuttered and walked hastily out of the building leaving Brax in there. I needed to calm my breathing and just have a moment.

I found a bench to sit on outside. This is not an event someone like me should even be at. This is way out of my league. Did he bring me here just to embarrass me? Did he do this to prove to me that I am below his level and I don't fit in, in this world?!

I wanted to go home and curl up in bed. But I want to be here even more as it is for a charity for abused children which is something I can relate to. An important part Brax managed to not tell me. I only know because I saw posters regarding tonight's event.

"Hey, you ok?" Brax asked placing himself on the bench beside me.

"Yeah, fine" I replied looking straight ahead.

"Well you didn't look fine when you rushed out."

"It just got a little too hot in there.... I needed some air."

"Yeah of course that's your reason. Are you ready to go back inside the event is about to start." He smirked.

God this man is so cocky. He did this on purpose. But I couldn't bail out on him now, or could I? He had a different look in his eyes when I looked at him, it was like he was pleading me to stay with his eyes.

I took a deep breath. "Yes I'm ready." I said standing up. To my surprise he took my hand in he's and started walking back. My hand felt so good in his hand, like my hand belonged there. It fit into his perfectly. I felt tingles going through my hand and up my arm. If he had this effect on me, did I have the same effect on him??

We walked into a massive room that had tables nicely decorated all over the place. It looked nice. We took our seats and waited for the event to start. Brax had his arm over the back of my chair. "Thank you." He whispered in my ear.

"For what?" I ask turning my head to him with wide eyes. Erm.... this is an arrogant, cocky man who doesn't say please and thank you and he's said those words a few times to me tonight. I must be doing something right.

He laughed at the look on my face. God he had the most sexiest laugh you could hear. It was one of those laughs that make you go weak and makes your body tremble.

"For attending this event with me and being my date." He winks at me with a big grin on his face.

Errrr..... being his date?!.... well I didn't think I was attending as his date. I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach. "Your welcome" I smiled.

Just as he was about to say something else a young woman came over calling he's name. Who the hell is she?! Brax stood up and placed a kiss on her cheek along with a long hug. I had a weird feeling come over me.... jealousy. Yes I was jealous.

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