Chapter 28

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Addison's Pov

The next couple of weeks passed with no sight of the black car. I had hoped because neither Brax or I had seen the car, nobody followed us, that this was over or it was someone who got us mixed up with someone else.

That though was not the case....

Brax and I were driving home from a very long day at work when the black car appeared out of nowhere and was driving behind us very closely. I didn't pay no mind to anything until Brax tensed up and removed his hand from mine to hold the steering wheel with two hands where his knuckles were going white due to his death grip on it.

I turned around from where I was sitting in the front seat and saw the black car behind us. My heart rate began to pick up speed and panic was beginning to take over me.

"Beautiful girl keep your eyes forward. Everything's going to be okay." He said trying to reassure me.

I turned to face the road ahead of me out the front of the car as I tried desperately to calm my breathing and heart rate down. Brax was trying to sooth me as we continued to drive home. I could hear Brax on the phone using his Bluetooth hands free but the words were all mumbled due to my panic attack that had overcome me. I knew he was talking to someone of help as he was saying certain words that were echoing around my head.

Black car!

No license plates!


Very close!

Following us!

Can't see driver!





Broken glass!

The last four are all I heard and felt. The black car crashed into the back of us. I felt the impact of the hit as my body jolted in the seat. The sound of the car crashing into ours was a bang. I could hear the broken glass of the lights at the back of the car fall to the ground and I could hear the scratching of our car and the black car on impact.

We had been hit!

"They've just drove into the back of my car." Brax said through the phone to whomever he was talking to.

After what seemed like a month but was only a couple of minutes I heard a siren. The driver of the black car must have heard it too because they slowed down enough so they could drive around us and speed off down the road. After the black car had speed off down a side road, two police cars came into view with flashing blue lights and sirens going.

Brax pulled over, removed his seatbelt and raced around the car to the passenger side where I was sitting in my seat. He opened the car door, wrapped one arm around me and placed one of my hands over his heart to try and calm me down.

"It's over baby, we're safe." He said into my hair as he kissed the top of my head and held me close.

The police approached us and were talking to Brax about what had happened as he held me in his arms. My breathing had calmed down and I was coming out of my panic attack. I took a long shaken breath and looked up at Brax.

Once Brax and I had finished with the police we made our way home. I was still shaken up at what happened and so was Brax. We decided on something small for dinner as neither one of us was very hungry. We then got into bed and snuggled up with each other. To say our sleep was restless was a lie. It was anything but restless.

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