Chapter 2: Introduction

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Allen's POV

Ignoring the Earl's skipping and singing, Road pulling him ahead and giggling maniacally, and Tyki's hand, which had been on his bare hip since they'd touched the ground, Allen stared straight ahead and walked casually, though his heart was burning with rage. He was still pretty mad with what they had done. Not only did they blackmail him, but they did it by hurting Alma and Kanda. That was dirty, he thought.

Though the skyscraper of a man didn't appear to turn his head and only looked forward, smoking his cigarette, Allen could feel his eyes on him. The boy peeked a glare at Tyki and the noah looked back, smirking smugly. "What is it, boy?"

If he hadn't been nearly killed by the man twice, Allen would have thought he saw endearment written all over Tyki's face. He fought to hide the blush that threatened to coat his pale face and looked away, hoping that would help, even slightly. "Your hands have been all over me since I accepted your offer."

Completely unfazed, he put his cheek on Allen's head and asked, "Oh? Does that make you nervous, boy?" The exorcist could hear the smirk still planted on the noah's face and the blush on his own cheeks deepened.

"Ty-ky~", Road reprimanded. "Allen is mine, I saw him first! Don't tease him!"

"I'm not teasing him", Tyki soothed, standing up straight. "Right, boy?"

The boy said nothing and kept his head low to hide his embarrassment. "In any case", Tyki continued. "I think Allen should be the one to choose." He looked down at the exorcist and smiled with that same ironically loving smile he had always given the boy. "So, boy?"

Hearing Tyki call him by name really made his heart flutter with... non-flesh-eating butterflies. "I-I-I", is all that got out before the Earl spoke up.

"Now, now, you two. Leave him be. We don't want to scare our newest member of the family off, would we?"

The emphasis the Earl put on the word "family" made Allen's stomach churn with discomfort, but Sheril was the one to speak up, casually saying, "I'm all for that", and raising his hand.

"Well don't", the Earl said, sounding annoyed but clearly not wanting to argue.

Everyone but Allen, Tyki, and Road had things to do, so the two more relaxed noah were left to show their new family member his room. As they walked down the golden streets of the ark, Tyki continued to flirt with Allen and Road continued to be jealous. Tyki became more flirtatious ever since Allen had accepted their offer, Allen noticed. He may be gorgeous but he's still a noah. Then again, I guess I can't say much, anymore... Am I even their enemy, anymore...?

Although this was an entirely new ark, it wasn't much different from the other. This one had grass lining the golden streets, orange skies like the sun was setting, and the houses were decorated more thoroughly with flowers. They came to a stop in front of one of the white buildings and Tyki finally let go of him to reach forward and open the door. "This is your room, boy."

Inside the building was a large room that looked like a master bedroom. It was almost entirely white. A piano sat in the corner, a white seating area stood in the middle of the room, a white canopy stood over the king-sized bed, and red curtains lined the walls. Gold framed almost everything, red carpets sat in several places atop the white carpet, and even the smaller keys to the piano were gold.

Tyki heavily dropped his arm around Allen's shoulder, causing the shorter one to gasp out a slight "ah" sound and nearly topple over. "Like it? We made it just for you", the noah said, smiling warmly.

Although the boy wanted to say that it was beautiful - he really thought it was - he still couldn't wrap his mind around being kind to the ones who kill humans... even if they are human, themselves. "It's satisfactory. I'm not staying forever, anyway."

Tyki's smile broadened. "We'll see, boy."

Just as Allen turned to glare at the taller noah, Road grabbed his pale hand and pulled him out of the room. "Come on, Allen! I want to show you something!"

After walking a small ways down the street, Tyki wrapped his arm around Allen's shoulders and pulled him closer, bending down so the taller man's lips were just inches from his ear. "That's my room, boy", the noah purred, pointing at a nearby door with a purple butterfly nailed to it's top-middle, at what would be eye-level for Tyki. "And this", Tyki said, handing Allen a purple key. "Is yours." The older man winked and the younger one blushed uncontrollably at the obviously perverted implication.

Road grabbed Allen's hand and, like a jealous child, pulled him away quickly, pointing down the street and staring at him with way-too-obvious anxiety. "My room is up here, Allen! You can come to my room instead of Tyki's, it's much more pretty and comfortable!"

Allen just smiled. She was adorable and Allen couldn't help but see her as his favorite little non-blood-related sister despite her stigmata.

"Huh?!" Tyki ran forward and stood in front of them, blocking their path and forcing them to stop. He put his hands on his hips and cocked an eyebrow at the girl. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Allen doesn't want to go to your room, Tyki Mikk. He wants to be comfortable and not sexually harassed during his entire visit!"

"Sexual harassment? I think the boy enjoys my flirtatious comments." He smirked triumphantly.

"He absolutely does not!" She waved her hands wildly and closed her eyes tightly, as if to block out the idea entirely.

"Allen~", Tyki whined, childishly.

But Allen wasn't listening, really. He was inching closer to a room he had heard screaming from and was turning the door knob when Road screamed, "No, Allen!" As he entered the room and his eyes met Bookman and Lavi, Road finally finished by faintly saying, "You can't go in there..."

Lavi was unconscious and blood was scattered all over the floor. Several noah stood in the room and, along with Bookman, eyed the new arrival.

"Oh...", Road whined, as though she had just been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to.

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