Chapter 16: Pre-Party

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Tyki's POV

The noah woke up to the sun rudely blinding him and he rolled his back to the window, giving himself time to fully wake up. That's when he felt a presence behind him and he turned slightly, cautiously glaring at the other side of the bed before smiling warmly when he recognized who slept behind him. Oh, right. I forgot he came to sleep with me. I'm still not quite accustomed to sharing my bed.

He rolled onto his back and cushioned his head with his arms, choosing to relax and rest his eyes so he wouldn't wake Allen. After a moment or so of listening to the boy's steady breathing, he peeked an eye open at him and just observed, pondering internally.

The ex-exorcist had his necklace on even though he was sleeping in bed. He hadn't noticed it the night before because he was tired, groggy, and it was dark. Now, sunlight reflected off of the rubies, making them look more beautiful and expensive than the noah had originally thought. But why is he wearing it to bed? Does he ever take it off? It can't be very comfortable... or did he forget that he was wearing it?

He sighed his curiosity away and closed his eye, basking once more in the early morning and comfortable company before opening both eyes and just staring at the boy. Though he acted like a demon, he looked like an angel, even from the back. Pale hair and pale skin matched perfectly with his pale clothing. He looked so out of place in the black and purple themed bed. I wonder...

He rolled toward the ex-exorcist and got as close as he could, wrapping himself around the boy and praying to a non-existent God that he wouldn't wake up. Of course, I would absolutely enjoy the boy's reaction to waking up as a noah's 'little spoon'. He had to fight to contain his laughter at his own thought.

Several warm and cozy moments passed and the noah was on the verge of falling back to sleep when Allen woke up, groggily groaning and pushing closer to the noah.

"Morning, Shounen", Tyki purred.

After a tick of the clock, realization seemed to set in and his eyes shot opened. He jumped out of bed, turned around, and punched the noah in the face. Or, at the very least, he tried. The noah caught his fist with his own and propped his head up with his other arm, smiling innocently in an attempt to keep himself from laughing. "What's wrong, Shounen~?"

The boy's eyes lit up with rage and he opened his mouth, obviously about to lecture the noah for whatever reason. Not that he wasn't expecting it, though he was hoping the lecture would come after a little more fun was had. The noah sighed and readied himself, bored already. Does he honestly think I'll listen?

The day passed with them bumming around in Tyki's room, swapping between lying down and playing cards every so many hours. The Earl didn't want them to leave the ark and Road didn't want Allen to see the ball room or those who were setting up the party, so she told them to stay in the bedroom until she said otherwise. The two were nearly bored to death when she burst through the doors, yelling excitedly, "It's almost time! Ready?"

They stood from the ground and groaned in agreement, ready to do anything other than sit in the bedroom all night. She watched them stand before puffing up her cheeks and asking in an annoyed whine, "Why haven't you two gotten dressed?! We have guests, Tyki!"

"Why are you yelling at me", he whined, in response. "In any case, you're the one who had us holed up in here, all day. How could Allen get dressed? As for me... Well, I just figured I'd get dressed when he did." He sent a teasing smirk toward the ex-exorcist and received a scoff in response.

The noah of dreams grabbed Allen's wrist and ran for the door. "Get dressed, Tyki! I'll help Allen pick out an outfit. Remember, we have guests!"

"Yeah, yeah", the noah of pleasure groaned.

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