Chapter 13

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I feel Slade's strength pushing me back. Her war hammer making contact with my great sword. The sound loud like a thunder clap echos off the stone walls around us.

I am pushed so far back that two more steps and my back would hit the wall.

I drop my sword tip into the ground. I lean against it breathing hard. Never taking my eyes off her. She stands tall not winded in the least.

'What the living hell?' I mentally shake myself.

I see her kick off again with blinding speed. The ground becomes covered in sand with each step she takes. I notice she uses it to slide her feet across the ground, much like a snake would on its stomach in the desert.

She has so much speed I barely have time to think. I bring my great sword up again in a defense stance just as her hammer takes another blow down at me. Her arms showing no struggle from the weight of the swing.

She pushes me back another step. My hair brushes the wall. She drives her hammer down harder a look so odd crosses her face. A look of victory. My heart pounds hard I feel so weak.

Her hammer comes closer and closer to my face. With it so close I can see the fine details. Beautiful cligerfy runs up the handle to the gleaming dubbel sidded hammer. The beauty of the rubys and sapphires set in the stone face gleam softly. I become distracted and fascinated.

"Raven focus!" Saber's voice cuts in his tone teaching. With great effort I push back. The cool energy fills up inside me again.

So much wind forms that my hair is blown back. Using it I make the blade thicker. My eyes focus on it as it becomes a silver glittering mass. I see the blade take on more definition. It looks so much sharper then the real sword from my memories.

Her eyes lock with mine as she watches the blade. A light grin makes its way to my lips as I see her eyes dilate. I hear her heart beat a step faster but quickly beats normal as if its nothing.

"Good now push her back! Defend and strike back!" I hear his voice call out again. My grin widening I tighten my grip on the silver handel.

With new strength and will I shove her back. She doesn't go far and I see why. Her feet are wrapped in stone holding her in place. The sand has harden into what looks like two hands holding her ankles.

"Nice trick." She smiles sweetly at me.

"Earth tis me favorite element Baby." She touches her chin in a thinking manner. Taking this time as a distraction I bring the air from the room to me. The atmosphere gets thick and hard to breath. I watch her turn to me sharply.

With blindng speed I kick off the ground. No sound is heard. The wind acts as a boost to my speed.

Closer still, she doesn't see me coming fast enough. I dring my great sword down in front of her sticking it into the ground. The blade missing her face by inches.

My hands grab her war hammer. Twisting it from her hands I unarm her. She watches me closely her eyes focused solely on me. I see a glob take form around her head. I notice its air that she is creating to breath.

With ease I crumble the hammer into dust. The beautiful work of art gone. The dust is quickly picked up by my winds and I fashen a curved hunting blade from the icy winds I draw up. I finish it with a handle made from the dust that was her war hammer. I take it in my hand gripping it tightly for a second. Bright rubys and saphires embed themselves into the stone nicely. I hand it to her. Her silver eyes slant in an odd way.

I snap my fingers and my great sword is gone in gust of wind. I slide back from her, keeping the winds around me. I feel a new energy filling up inside me. Its so solid and hard to move.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now