Chapter 32

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I hit the wall blood seeps from the gash on my head. The hall in witch I was in is now a mess of rumble. I stand unsteadily everything spinning. I hold my head and feel a knot forming. The blood is already starting to dry from where it has clotted.

"What happened?" I mummer to myself and then I hear it.

"Raven.." so soft I don't hear it at first then I see red hair under a pillar of stone. I run on unsteady legs to Slade. Fear kicks in as I don't see her at first till I get closer. I sigh with huge relief as I look down at her. She smiles at me crookedly blood on her lips and teeth.

"Put more in that ball then I should have." she shakes her head laughing but it sounds pained. I climb down into the rumble where she is at and I can see the damage. Her leg is under a huge chunk of marble stone and her arm is at an odd angel, more then likely broken.

"Ill get you out Slade just hold on." she nods gritting her teeth as tears of pain flow freely. I move down to her foot and with all my might I push it off her. My palm slips on the stone and I slice it blood flows but I push it off. I look down at her. A metal rod is somehow imbedded into the skin. blood flows freely. I looks to her as she makes a huffing sound.

"let me change its compound. It is part of the earth after all." her eyes glow and I watch as it dissolves into fine sand sliding from the wound with the blood. Her eyes fade back to their sliver shade and she falls back breathing hard. I think of what she did and I focus my energy. I slip from myself into her. I make the bleeding stop and stitch the muscle and skin back together. Some blood vessels need to be reconnected to keep the blood flow in her so I do that too. I quickly slip from her. 

"Its not healed completely but the major damage is done." I look at the rough stitching work and grumble. I really need to work at that better. I slide up to her arm and take it in my hands I slip inside her and see that it is indeed broken, at the worst place, the elbow. It will have to be fixed on the outside. I leave from inside her and I see her watching me.  She unbuckles a leather cord from armor and puts it between her teeth. At her nod I grab her arm and with a ugly snap I rebrake it and slipping inside I make sure it reline.

Her teeth are clinching so hard her gums are white. I feel bad but I ignore it as I stand up and think of what I need to make a sling. I look over and find the bodies of the guards on the ground I run over and rip off their armor and find they are wearing cloth underneath. I rip that from them too and run back Slade. I take her arm and knowing itll have to be tight I wrap her it super tight from shoulder to fingers. She will not be able to use this arm. Let alone if her leg will even support her as she tries to walk. I look at the rough stitches again and shake my head.

"Slade you wont be able to fight on your own. But I do need to take Arson down. " I see the protest on her lips but I put my hand over her mouth as I hear something. I lean down to her ear.

"You will still be help to me but not alone." her eyes look at me confused.

"Clover. Will you go with Slade while I find Arson?" I feel her leave my skin and take form beside me.

"I knew you were going to ask me this. But yes." Her dark black almost eyeless sockets look at me and she smiles at me.

Slade looks to me and then Clover. She sits up dragging her leg.

"Go get those prisoners free. I have a hunch that you will encounter Rose there. They are her toys after all. Clover make her pay for what she has done." I stand up at their nod and I take off at a run.

The chambers from this point on are so weird each door I open takes me back to the time I saw in Dev's memories. As if time has stood still with these walls. As if to preserve its past memories. I spot dead when I come to a door that is already open just a crack. I peak into the room and notice that its Dev's old room. The one he was ready to face death in.

 I push open the door as I see a form laying on the bed. The form is still as stone till I see it take in a breath. I walk into the room and notice that it the shape of a man. I walk closer still till I hear a women's voice.

"Don't go any closer Raven. He isn't as he once was. Arson has done something to him." Turning I see Allena. A metal caller around her neck with a chain holding her the wall. Her red hair is clean and fluffy and she wears a dress that barely covers her. Her neck has bite marks that are fresh and I fear who put them there. I step closer to her but she backs away. Her green eyes watching me and then they dark to the sleeping form. I step closer to her again. This time she doesn't back away. I cup her cheek in my hand and pull her to me in a tight embrace.

"Let my mate go. Or ill kill you where you stand." Comes a voice that makes my heart sing but the words make no since to me. The next thing I know I am thrown from Allena. Dev walks up to her and pulls her into his side in a loving and protective way.

"No one lays a hand on my Raven but me." his words make no since till I remember Allena's words. Her eyes run with tears as she watches me. He leans down and kisses her head and produces a key. Her caller falls to the ground and then a hand grabs me from behind.

I fight them with all my might but they toss me back across the room at Dev's and Allena's feet. I feel cold metal wrap around my neck. As I struggle to stand I feel the caller now around my own neck and I pull but it only gets tighter.

"Finally caught you my little bird." I hear Arson's voice behind me and then I feel his lips against my ear.

"Ill let you watch my dear brother play with his NEW mate shall we. This will teach you to go against me Raven." He walks to the door and closes it with a dark laugh. I hear a lock slide and know that I am once aging trapped in this hell.

Dev holds Allena in his arms and takes her to the bed not far from me and lays her down. She tries to roll off but he climbs on top of her struggling body. pinning her arms with one hand he leans down into her neck. He growls and then bites her neck as his free hand roams down her side touching the exposed skin the dress provides. She fights him but she is no match. Her screams fill the room. With hurt and rage I fight against the caller. I cant stand to watch. The caller tightens even more and he stops and looks down at her. He shakes his head roughly.

"Raven you love my touch. Why do you fight me now?" his voice is hurt and he backs off of Allena.

"Because Im not Raven. Im Allena." He lets out a growl and I catch a glimpse of something silver at the back of his neck. He stands and paces the room.

"The real Raven is there." He looks to me and I see hate etched in his handsome face and my heart breaks even if he isn't in his right mind. 

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora