Chapter 3 - Roses Are Red

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"So how do you do it exactly?"

"You say that as if I have any control over this thing," I grumbled.

"Well no, but I'm assuming you must have done something to make it happen?" Zac turned and stared at me as though studying something strange or interesting, "What were you thinking or feeling at the time?"

"Well the first time I was scared, and I was thinking 'Please don't let me die'," I replied, "And the second time I just thought about how ridiculous it would be if something actually happened."

"So, I'm guessing it's triggered by you thinking about using it," he theorised, "Or it could be attached to your emotional state, you know, like a flight or fight response? Were you angry when you threw the fireball?"

"Well I wasn't happy," I explained, "I suppose I was a little irritated and worried when I did it."

Zac nodded, "Yeah, I think it's definitely linked to thoughts and feelings."

"Great," I complained, "Now I have to worry about fireballing people anytime I get scared or think about a bonfire."

"Probably best to avoid open flames and horror movies from now on then." He laughed at the glare I shot him.

"We should see if you can do other things aside from fireballs and shields," Zac suggested, "You know, once you've actually got a handle on it."

"If I ever get a handle on it, you mean."

"You will," he nodded his head, "With a little help from me. I can be your Mr Miyagi!" He sounded thoroughly excited by the prospect.

"Not to rain on your parade or anything, but neither of us even knew 'magic' was a thing until about fifteen minutes ago. How could you possibly teach me to control this?"

"I've watched enough films and read enough books about magic to know what to do," he said, laughing, "And like I said before, the internet will have all of the answers."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes, "I'm doomed."

We had arrived outside of Pomodoro, and Zac made to walk into the restaurant before I grabbed his arm to stop him. He glanced back at me, eyebrows raised.

"I just...I need a minute..." I explained. I was still feeling the after effects of my panic attack and I was worried about this uncontrollable power I'd suddenly developed. I needed a few seconds to plaster a fake smile onto my face, so I could pretend everything was okay. Luckily, I was pretty good at it by this point.

"I understand bro," Zac said, smiling sadly, "If it makes you feel any better, 'I'm gay' will probably sound quite tame now compared to 'I can shoot fire from my bare hands'."

I managed a small laugh; I could always count on Zac to cheer me up when things looked bleak. Zac opened the restaurant door and, after taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down, I nodded and we both entered the restaurant.

We spotted my mom and dad sitting at a table across the fairly busy restaurant. They waved at us as we made our way over and sat down across from them, saying hello.

'Did you have a good last day of school boys?" my mom asked once we had settled.

"Oh yeah, it was really...informative," Zac said, looking at me with a grin plastered onto his face. I tried to smile but I could feel it straining with the stress of the day. I kicked Zac's leg under the table to tell him to watch what he was saying. That just made his grin broaden.

"Do you two have much planned for the summer?" my dad asked.

"Yeah, we've made some plans," I murmured tentatively, not sure if I would be able to go the movies, for example, if I was blasting magic left, right and centre.

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