Chapter 35 - Combat Training

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I was woken up by a heavy weight suddenly compressing my chest. Through my blurry vision I could make out the shape of Ryo, inches away from my face.

I flopped my head back down on the pillow in frustration. "Ryo, what the hell? I was sleeping," I mumbled.

"Well wake up!" he yelled, jumping up and down on my chest. "Look! Just look at it! Isn't it beautiful?!" I sat up, dislodging him from my chest. He repositioned himself by my feet, facing away from me, two tails whipping around each other.

It took a second for me to realise what I was seeing, but then it hit me; two tails!

"Oh my god, Ryo!" I yelled, waking up fully, "That's amazing! When did that happen?"

"Last night," Ryo said proudly. "It's so soft and shiny and perfect," he crooned.

"Wasshappenin?" I heard Hunter mumbled from his bed. He looked over, blearily, his hair dishevelled. Needless to say, I found this ridiculously adorable.

"Ryo got his second tail!" I replied.

"Oh, that's great," he muttered sleepily, "Good job."

"Good job?!" Ryo screeched, "Philistine! This tail is one of my greatest achievements! It is a feat of immense power and strength! It is majestic in its beauty and grace! And you!" he jumped across to Hunter's bed and stuck his face next to Hunter's, "You can't even be bothered to look up!"

Hunter sat up in bed again and looked properly at Ryo's tail. "It's very nice, Ryo."

"Nice?!" Ryo screamed before jumping off of the bed and stormed off towards the door. "Nice?! Stupid freakin' humans, can't appreciate splendour when they see it. He jumped up and pulled the door handle with his body weight, before disappearing around the side of the door with a swish of the tails he was so proud of.

"I think I pissed him off," Hunter chuckled, before lying back down and going back to sleep.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to train with Maya?" Az asked as we walked towards the training field

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"Do you really think it's a good idea to train with Maya?" Az asked as we walked towards the training field. "No offence Charlie, but she'll flatten you."

"That's why I th-think I should meet her," I replied, "If I'm gonna stand a-any chance in the next rounds of The Clash then I need help.

"I'm your help!" Ryo shouted, "I'll blast them all away with my fox fire!"

"Yeah but Maya's help might not be what you need," Olivia said, ignoring Ryo's outburst and glancing furtively towards Hunter who looked to be deep in concentration.

"What do you think?" I asked him and he looked up, shocked that he was being spoken to.

He paused for a second before saying, "I think Maya is probably the best person to teach you, even if she is a bit...volatile."

"We could help him?" Az offered.

"There's only so much you can learn from books and honestly, none of us have much experience with Evocation or Abjuration spells; those are two of Charlie's Foci and Maya is second only to Theo in both. And I don't see Theo offering to help anytime soon."

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