Part 3

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Estragon said, "A murderous secret, perhaps? We know what you did. You killed your landlord. We knew she was supposed to be here today. And ever since we saw the guilt in your eyes, we knew it was you. All evidence points to you."

I stuttered, "W-what? How? I thought—I thought I was finally safe...fine. I did it. I killed her. Now, are you going to arrest me?"

Vladimir said, "No, we can't arrest you, we're just guards. But we're going to tell the police. Enjoy your few seconds of freedom, because we don't know if you'll ever have it again."

They left the room, and closed the door behind them. I sat there in shock, completely numb. How could anybody have caught me this fast? I guess I wasn't careful enough. Why did they do this to me? I almost trusted them, and they betrayed me. But did they betray me? Or did I betray myself? I wasn't even careful enough to lock my own door when I left, or hide the bloodstains. I even admitted to my crime. There's no way I'm getting out of this. Well, I'm a murderer now, so I guess I'll get what I deserve.

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