The Chant Of The Gods

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Authors note: There are going to be alot of chants in different languages so ill put the English version in brackets for you so you know whats going on, the main character Kayla doesn't know what their saying! Hope your enjoying the story.


"Adam." I gasp

Then one of the people speak.

"idem secretis ruptum." (the secret identity has been broken)

Then they all take off their masks there is only one other person i recognize. Judith.

"That's why! that's why you protect Adam so he would help you and that's why you protected me so that you could have me and my powers all to your self!" 

"Your right about Adam but you.. i don't want your powers i don't even want mine. These are all the others that were in that building. We got Logan to do our biding for us, he wasn't a other but he was very willing to help us. He was in on it from the start. He set you up. You see, we are going to sacrifice our powers, but them back into the earth, so we can delay the battle for another 100 years. Our powers go to the chosen ones, so every millennium or so all of our powers will go into other people. They have to deal with this not us." Judith takes my hands and the fireball disappears.

"We cant do this without you,you can be normal, be free to live your life the way you want it too." She looks into my eyes, like she thinks this is the right thing to do.

"Does Julian know about this?"

"No, and there is no reason he has to." She replies

"If... i did want to go along with this, i wouldn't be safe! Julian and his men will hunt me down and all of you too!"

"Please i have Julian wrapped around my finger i can get him to do whatever i want him too."

I look at her than everyone else, I might not be able to escape now, but maybe i can buy some time and sabotage the ritual. Worse case scenario i become normal and live my life. Why do i feel sad saying that? Maybe I don't want to be normal.

"Ok so what do we have to do?" I try and say confidently hopefully it will mask the fear in my voice.

"First we have to make the sacrifice of blood."Judith says and  I go wide eyed. Judith notices my expression.

"Only from the palm." She says and i relax. Until Adam gets up.

"Then we have to say some chants, poor the blood into the fire, say more chants then one by one we sacrifice our selves by stabbing ourselves with this magical knife into our hearts then our powers will flow back into the earth and well be resurrected and be normal again." Adam saying standing up. Walking toward me.

"How do you know we'll be resurrected?" I ask and he looks at me. Only inches between us.

"God will acknowledge our sacrifice and be so grateful he will bring us back." Adam says. I don't know who's brainwashed more by this plan Adam or Judith.

"One by one we Sacrifice our selves,but the prophecy is first." Great. how lucky am i? What a privilege it is. ....Not.

"The Prophecy's sacrifice is more special and more complicated than the rest of us." Adam explains. Of course it is. I think to myself.

"After we all put our blood into the fire, we will put the blood on your forehead, down your nose till we get to your collarbone. say some more chants then we cut your arms from your elbow down then after more chants we stab you in the heart, then when you die we say more chants then we sacrifice our selves our powers well go to someone else then we will be normal and be rid of all of that!" He points back into the direction of the building.

"Now lets get started." Judith says

Everyone makes a circle around the rocks. I'm beside Adam and Judith then they all close thier eyes,  put on their masks and hold hands. If i can channel all my energy and zap Judith and Adam while were holding hands maybe it go all through the group. Its worth a shot. I have to wait for the right moment.

Everyone except me does the chant.

"Invocamus deos preces audire.." (we call upon the gods, to listen to our cry for help)

"Inhumana dare volumus, inhumanum in auguriis terra tibi" . (we want to give our inhuman, unnatural powers back into the earth, to you)

"Volumus nolumus amplius omnino execrabile et vere humanum." (We don't want be an abomination anymore we want to be fully and truly human)

"Sacrificium et nos volumus facere." (and we are willing to sacrifice ourselves to do it.)

What kind of language is this? God only knows what there chanting about.

"Et venit in sanguine hostiæ." (Now comes the sacrifice of blood)

We all let go of our hands go, Judith hands everyone a magical dagger, and at the same time we all cut our palms. Blood. Dark red blood dripping from my hand onto the grass. The smell of copper fills the air from all the blood. we all step closer to the fire, feeding the flames with our sacrificial blood. The blood drips, and i don't know if its just me, but the fire is getting bigger. Is this actually working? What if its true? I can't take that risk? Can I?

Then start chanting.Again.

"Thnostris nos flamma famelicus comedet sanguinem nec idola nos non abluiturey." (we feed the hungry flames with our powerful blood to cleanse it so we won't abominations no more)

"Cum vires sanguis desinere mundus."(Once the blood is clean our powers will cease to exist)

"Miserere nostri sanguinis, mundabo sanguinem; Miserere nostri sanguinis, mundabo sanguinem; Miserere nostri sanguinis, mundabo sanguinem." (Cleanse our blood! cleanse the blood! Cleanse our blood! cleanse the blood! Cleanse our blood! cleanse the blood!)

Everything is happening so fast. Before i know it the chants are done and everyone turns to me. The rest of them gather a circle around me. Oh No i missed my chance! I'm screwed. This is the moment I'm going to die. Just to be sacrificed for some crazy-ass ritual that 9 chances out of 10 wont work.

One by one they put there blood on my forehead, down my nose all the way to my collarbone. The blood feels hot and sticky, Clinging to my chest.

Adam steps forward and points the knife at my chest. This isn't just a regular knife it had special engravings on the blade. A wooden handle it looked ancient with some symbols. Too bad I'll never know what they mean.

 He looks at me and says

"Ac si victus" (The prophecy is defeated)

And he sank the knife into my chest.

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