The Facts And Fictions Of It All

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I never felt so safe in my life. I'm glad that Brandon saved me, I don't know what would have happened if he didn't show up. Where quiet the whole way to my room. It's a little strange but then again I cant say much considering,I did almost get sacrificed because I'm the prophecy of evil murderous, vengeful magical being. I don't even think i can use the word normal anymore. I'm broke out of my thoughts when Brandon sets me on the bed gently.

"Oh god.... that's alot of blood!" He looks at my neck.

"Where were you when the bomb went off?" I ask him

"I was here, then i heard it, i seen Derek, he said he couldn't find you anywhere so he told me to go outside and look for you and there you were." He says looking down at the floor.

"Derek's ok?" I ask hoping he wasn't to badly injured.

"His head was bleeding a bit but other than that i think he was ok."

"Ok, here's what we need to do go get Derek while i take a shower, then i fill you in on what me and Derek know then ill tell you both about what Adam and Judith were doing to me outside."

"Alright then." Brandon starts to walk out. But he stops when i speak up.



"Thanks for saving me, god only knows what would have happened if you didn't show up." I tell him

"Any time." He says casually and walks out of the room.


It feels good to wash all this blood off me. All of Adam, Judith and the other 4 people's blood traveling down my body, on the the shower floor going into the drain. I don't know what happened to the bodies, Is that what Derek's doing know? Did Julian find them? Is Julian even alive?

These questions, plus a few dozen more, are all swimming in my head. Giving me a migraine worse than what Judith have given me.

I attempt to shake some of my thoughts out , i put my clothes a dark green tank-top, something that an military officer would wear, black shorts, a metal belt like one of the money belts that you but change in, and black boots that make me and inch taller. Then i started to relax and  watch some TV until Brandon and Derek walk through the door.

"Kayla!" Derek says in a voice that i don't recognize, so sad and guilty. "Oh, thank god your alright, are you ok?" He says cupping my face in his hands.

"Yes Derek, I'm alright." I say and i can sigh in relief, i can feel his cool breath onto my face.

"Ok so now we have to catch up and see what we all know, when were done with that we need to look at this." I say while stepping back from Derek's hands on my face and go toward my bed. I get on my knees and reach for the book under my bed. Its actually really heavy for a book.

"Ok lets start." Brandon says.

So we all tell Brandon about Julian and his office, and i tell Derek and Brandon about the Sacrifice.

"It was in some kind of weird language." I say looking down at my legs.

"Latin." Derek says "Its common in chants. and in that book your holding its probably in Hindi."

"Who in there right minds could read something like that?" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"I can." Derek said a little offended

"Yeah so can I." Brandon chimes in.

"So basically everyone but me right?" I ask annoyed

"No, but most people hear can." Brandon says softly looking into my eyes and Derek looks at him. Mad. Is it Jealously? Why would he be jealous of Brandon?

"Ok well lets start reading!" I say trying to break the awkward silence and tension.

I open the book to the first page lay it on the bed and we all sit down. The first 50-100 pages were about the battle forever ago and the family tress of people survived. Adams was the last there, so no new others came, at-least recorded. Those pages were in English thank god.

The next few pages however, were really sketchy and not in English. What if Derek and Brandon are lying to me about wanting to help me? What if they translate wrong on purpose? Maybe Derek wants revenge for Logan, and maybe Brandon wants revenge for Adam! But Brandon killed Adam himself. I'm getting really paranoid.

"Kayla!" Derek yells snapping me out of my thoughts. Thoughts that's it i can read there minds and see if there translating right!! and to see if there telling the truth about helping me.

"HELLO!! EARTH TO KAYLA!!" Brandon yells waving his hand in my face. I push it away and say 

"Sorry just thinking." 

"Ok well like i said this article is about the ring of death, the one found in Julian's  locked box."

In the article its all abunch of Hindi symbols

मौत की अंगूठी किसी को अधिक शक्ति है जो धारण एक, उन्हें अपने स्वयं के जीवन ले भी कुछ भी कर सकते हैं.

so while Derek is saying the translation I concentrate to putting myself into Derek's mind and Brandon's. Then i can hear both their thoughts.

Derek's mind

The one who holds the ring of death has the power over anyone, can make them do anything even take their own life.

Ok, good so they match up. So far so good.

Brandon reads the next Translation of this

इस अंगूठी को गलत हाथों में गिर जाता है, तो दुनिया गंभीर संकट में होगा

"If this ring falls into the wrong hands, then the world would be in serious jeopardy."

Brandon's Mind

 If this ring falls into the wrong hands, then the world would be in serious jeopardy.

There telling the truth. I knew i didn't have anything to worry abo-

Darkness. I can feel my body hit the ground with a large thud. Then i can hear 2 voices. And hands shaking me. Trying to wake me up. But i cant.

LegacyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora