34: The Warrens

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I watched Marcel and Lorens trot briskly back up the track until they were lost to sight. Jan was sitting on the middle bench next to the engine, his head resting on his arms. Sol was leaning her head on his shoulder and rubbing his back in small circles. I went and sat next to Ben who was slumped along the back seat of Mooke with Mik next to him. I'd been shocked when Ben crumpled to the ground. One minute laughing his head off and the next face down unconscious but then I hadn't really looked at us in days. It was enough of an effort just to get up off the ground each morning, get Mooke going and jolt along until the battery ran out. Then we'd lie on the ground and try and sleep until dawn broke.

I'd become so used to it that I hadn't realised how ill we looked. No wonder Marcel had insisted that we remain resting in Mooke while they fetched people to help us. Ben's colour was better. I put my arm round him and he wriggled his head into the curve of my shoulder. His eyes opened briefly and caught mine, they sparkled with laughter and his lips curved into a little smile. He let his eyes fall closed again and gave a small sigh of contentment.

"They're here. My family are here. They made it. We made it."


He opened his eyes again "Yes, of course, but not because of that. I'm happy all the time these days." He sat up and planted a small kiss on my cheek. "Thank you" He twisted round as Mik made a small sound. I looked past Ben to see Mik was awake. I reached down and found the bottle that still had a little water in it. Ben picked Mik up and sat him on his lap while I put some water in a mug. He drank it and then went back to sleep again leaning into the crook of Ben's arm.

"I can take him if you like?"

Ben shook his head "No it's all right. I really am feeling much better. The dizziness has worn off." Ben leant his head back on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm back round him and rested my head on his. It looked as though Jan and Sol had both dozed off. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the water slapping gently against the shore.

I came to with a start. Someone was gently shaking my shoulder. I looked up and saw an elderly version of Ben smiling down at me. I blinked. Still half asleep I thought for a moment I was dreaming but a quick glance at the weight on my shoulder revealed an unchanged Ben. I blinked again and realised the person regarding me with his head cocked to one side must be Da. Ben's grandfather had silver shoulder length curls and twinkling eyes. A smile cracked his face and wrinkled the skin at the corners of his mouth and eyes.

"Well when they said Val, Jan and some other people including a Kvernstatter had arrived I wasn't expecting to see you Gilfi!"

I stared at him. His words didn't make any sense. At this point Ben opened his eyes and sat up carefully so as not to wake Mik. "Da! You're really here?" Ben's expression was half doubting, half excited. Well maybe just confused though within a fraction of a second it had been replaced by sheer delight. By this time Jan and Sol as well as Mik had woken up. Jan leapt to his feet and out of Mooke in one fluid movement and pinned Da in a death grip hug. The rest of us clambered out a little less athletically. Da was hopping from foot to foot with excitement as he hugged us all in turn but as soon as the first round of exclamation and introduction was over he laughed happily

"Your grandma will probably have hysterics for the first and only time in her life when she finds out you've arrived. Varlon is also at Quarry village but I'm sorry Jan you'll have to wait a little longer to see Claude. He's with Arn out at the island. They'll come back as soon as they hear the news from Marcel and Lorens but by the time they get there it will be too late to start back tonight. They'll come early tomorrow." He lifted a basket from the ground and waved it at us. "I cycled ahead not only so I'd have the pleasure of being first to see you but also because I have what you need most which is food and a re-hydrating drink." he refused to let us talk any more until we'd eaten and drunk. The basket contained large beakers of some green juice that felt wonderfully refreshing plus small flatbreads stuffed with tasty chopped vegetables. When Mik predictably asked for more Da shook his head

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