33. Seconds

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I was jumping using my fake tail as high and fast as I could. When I was almost there I picked up my pace, and when I turned the corner I widened my eyes when Shouto was about to get cut with a sword. I instinctively got the villain away from Shouto with full power catching him off guard and the villain crashed against the wall.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?!" Shouto yelled when he turned around and saw me. When I looked at him, I was in horror when he already had a few cuts and was losing blood. It wasn't life threatening, but anger was boiling inside me. I have also noticed that Iida and another guy were injured on the floor, losing blood too, while deku was still fighting. Then, in the blink of an eye, the villain got in front of me prepared to slice me and I froze up in place.

When the blades were about an inch away from my face, I got pushed to the side. I groaned when I felt a heavy weight on me, and I looked up to see it was Shouto. We quickly got up and got on our fighting stances when Deku yelled "(Y/N), don't let him lick your blood! If not you won't be able to move!"

Deku was still fighting with the villain who I just now realized was the hero killer Stain. He repeatedly jumped while trying to land a few punches on the villain, while Shouto and I supported him. We were lucky a few times as we managed to land some attacks, but all of a sudden the villain got inhumanly faster and licked some of Deku's blood, rendering him powerless.

Stain was running towards us now and Shouto made ice walls while I tried to make him stumble and threw random objects at him with my quirk, but he sliced through them all. He was far too fast for me to do anything else and then, out of nowhere he was above Shouto and licked some blood that was left on Shouto's cheek, quickly leaving him on the ground.

After that, he slowly took steps towards me prepared to cut me too with a sickening grin. There was something about him that made me shiver in fear and I felt powerless, and I knew he was enjoying himself. "What a coward. At least Ingenium's brother didn't tremble like a shitty chicken that's about to be killed. You deserve to die first."

When he lifted his arm to kill me, Shouto threw his flames in between us as I was still shocked.

He was.. right. I came here to supposedly save Shouto but all I'm doing is getting saved by him. I was being a nuisance and I can't stay like this; I could get all of us killed. I jumped away from the killer and managed to push him farther and made his swords fly out of his sight.

Although I could stop his quirk now, I wasn't going to do it yet because it would only last for about thirty seconds at most. What if we can't take him down within that time? It will be over for us as his quirk will take effect again rendering all of us unable to fight and I wouldn't be able to help anymore as I'll most probably faint from overexerting myself. Escaping all together wasn't an option either because he would catch up with us all with that speed. I couldn't risk it. I'll just have to stall for time until pro heroes get here.

Ha, easier said than done.... but I had to do it. I need to get a grip on myself so I don't freeze like last time.

When Stain got up he lunged at me with spare knives he had and I dodged him doing a back flip. I made the stairs that were hanging above him fall, but he dodged them in time and got behind me, to which I quickly got around and kicked him on the side of the head, but he grabbed it and didn't let go. He was about to stab ny keg but I got his knives away in time. With the leg I was standing with I jumped on my tail to push myself back and, as the tail did it's work as a spring, I was back against him and used the impulse to kick him on his stomach. I helped the impact of my kick with my quirk to push him with full power, and he let go of me as he crashed against the wall.

I gotta say, my harsh training surely paid off.

Though Shouto was still on the floor, he froze him in place before Stain could get up. I stood up and proceeded to do the same thing I did years before.

I made the wall in which he was leaning on crumble to bury him. I thought we were successful and that it was over, but when I turned around he was facing me. "H-How..?" He gave the same terrifying smirk from before and in a flash he pierced my abdomen. I could hear everyone yell my name through my ringing ears.

"Pretty impressive that the little chicken could put up a fight against me, but now do the society a favour and die." He said as he pulled his knife out and I immediately coughed blood. He then licked my blood from the sharp weapon and I fell, not that I had any strength left in me anyway.

After he was over with me, he went after Iida who still couldn't move. I then painfully reached out for the clock I had on my wrist and waited. When his knife was inches apart of his body, I pushed Stain away from him and he clicked his tongue angered. I then pressed the button on my clock and erased his quirk in that very second.


Iida then kicked Stain, while Shouto ran to my aid. As he panicked, I told him "Shouto, please close the injury with your fire. I can't lose my consciousness now!" He hesitated not understanding why but when he saw my pleading eyes, he immediately burnt the place I was stabbed so that I wouldn't lose any more blood. I tried my best to not scream in pain by clenching my teeth and pinching my leg. After he was done, I was exhausted, drenched in tears, sweat and blood. "(Y-Y/N).." he said feeling sorry for what he did. He obviously hated to have done that to me, but it had to be done.

Time was running out so I tried to speak in the most sternly way I could "Shouto, there's no time. We must attack him now while I still can cancel his quirk." He looked reluctant to leave my side, so I slowly lifted my now heavy arm to caress his cheek and he leaned on my hand. "Please Shouto, we need you" I pleaded. He nodded and got up. Twelve seconds.

As Stain was fighting against Iida and Deku, Shouto joined them using his fire but Stain avoided it and was about to stab him. Fifteen seconds. Iida used his reciproburst and kicked the knife away from Stain. Shouto fired his left side again to corner Stain, who was getting more agitated now that there were more people he had to fight. I did my best to aid them, but I couldn't afford to waste that much energy. Twenty seconds. Iida asked Shouto to freeze his engines, but while they were distracted, Stain shot his knife towards Shouto. "WATCH OUT!!" I tried to yell but it only came out as a whisper and I cursed myself for not being able to do anything. Twenty-three seconds.

In that instant, Iida got in front of Shouto, getting stabbed on the shoulder instead but nonetheless asked him again to freeze his engine. Shouto did as asked now that Deku was distracting the villain. Meanwhile Iida took the knife off his shoulder. Four... five... six...

I was starting to get dizzy and my head throbbed a lot. Breathing was getting harder for me and I was freezing. To tell the truth, I wasn't sure how I even lasted this long. It may be because of the adrenaline rushing in but, either way, if I could keep going it was more than enough for me.

Iida was preparing his engines and Shouto continued attacking with his fire, while Deku was also preparing to use his quirk. Twenty seven, twenty eight...

"Reciproburst Extend!"

"One for All Full Cowling!"

And they went off.

My alarm rang at that very moment, signalling that thirty seconds were up, but the fight wasn't over yet and I couldn't give up now, even if my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and sleeping was a tempting offer...

They jumped and ran all the way to the ceiling chasing after Stain. Dark spots were rapidly taking over my vision, but I pinched myself and pushed my limits even more.

Luckily, far away, I could faintly see how they... knocked him...? Relief washed over me and all of a sudden my strengh left me. As I was losing consciousness, I saw a bright orange light before my eyes closed...

It was warm...

Thirty-three seconds.


(A/N): Oh, the number of times I've edited this chapter..... I wanted this to turn out into an epic battle, but I'm still no good at writing action scenes... Just try to imagine it with epic music, awesome tricks and flashy moves (;'∀`)

Also, I know Stain has a time limit too, but meh, just ignore it for this story.

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