The Perfect Wedding (2/2)

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"Congratulations on your wedding!"

She lost count of how many times she has heard of that phrase this night. The truth is, their wedding reception was no joke. It seemed like almost everyone in town managed to fit in the party somehow. Well, it's no wonder though. A wedding between two famous pro-heroes, one of them being the top three and son of the former number one hero, was not a big, but a huge deal. So naturally, it wasn't going to just pass by as another event that could be easily forgotten.

Amidst the many pro-heroes that have been invited, there were also some news reporters, many of which have managed to sneak and blend in without anyone noticing. But there were, of course, known faces. For example, the UA gang and the people that they met throughout the years and have marked their lives in special ways.

"Hello, onee-san," the red-haired boy greeted the bride.

"Karma!! You've grown up so much!" (Y/n) hugged him fondly.

"Of course I did. Mind you I'm not five years old anymore. I'm twelve already," he chuckled, returning the hug.

"Yeah yeah." Though she answered in a mocking way, she was very well aware that their difference in height had shrunk by quite a lot.

He was once the little boy she helped Koro-sensei, a yellow weird-looking octopus-alien, look after amongst many other children. He had a secret though, and that is that he liked her. He still remembered the declaration of war he made to Shouto: to 'grow up fast, make her fall in love with him and marry her'. But that was ancient history to him now. He was bigger and not that little kid anymore, and he undestood that she couldn't ever see him as her partner, and that she was the happiest with the five-peepee man. And in all honesty, that was totally fine with him. But that didn't mean he would let his rival marry her without a little bit of... trouble.

In the middle of their hug, his tail and horns had appeared along with an evil grin, but he managed to supress them. He let go and smiled innocently at her.

"Congratulations! You look the cutest today."

"Aw, thank you. I'm glad you could make it."

"Of course. How could I miss this chance?"

Although she wasn't sure what he meant by that, and why the aura around him had suddenly darkened, she still nontheless smiled.

"(Y/n)-chwan~♡!!" a male voice called for her, and she had noo choice but to excuse herself.

"No worries, onee-san. Take your time!" the red-haired boy told her with the biggest grin.

Still a bit unsure, she moved on to find that person. It wasn't hard to pinpoint who it was, given there was only one person who would call her like that.

"Hello, Sanji. What's the matter?"

"Ah, nothing. I just needed to replenish my energy after all that hard work ♡"

He was the chef from the All Blue restaurant. Although he had caused them quite some trouble with his flirteous ways, Shouto forgave him since in the end everything turned out all right. They just added that experience on their list of funny events. Plus, he agreed to be the main chef of their wedding.

"Oh, sure... Your food is amazing as always! Lots of people were telling me to praise you for it."

"Ohoho, it's nothing if it's for a beauty like you. You can always dump that trash and come to me. I could make you all the delicious food you ask, whenever and wherever you want~♡" he said with hearts for eyes. It always amazed her how he could do that.

"Thank you, but I'm more than happy with Shouto."

"Well, if you ever change your mind, I'll welcome you with open arms!"

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