Chapter 5

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*I changed Suga's name to Yoongi, and it will remain like this till the end, so just think of  "Yoongi"😁❤️*

"As I walking to home, I could hear my phone buzz all the way"

"It was Eunji sending messages because she got worried ,but i couldn't answer the phone cause i was still crying"

"Then I got a phone call, It was my mom"

"I quickly dried my eyes and let out a deep sigh, picked it up"

Y/n: Hello? Mom!

Mom: Hi sweetheart, are you home yet?

Y/n: uhh no, why?

Mom: Because we had a discussion with the manager and i will come home early, so we can spend time together!

Y/n: Oh okay

Mom: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yes i am fine, i'm so glad your coming home early!

Mom: Yeah me too honey, now i gotta go Love you~

Y/n: Yeah okay, Love you too!

"I hung up and found a park nearby and went inside sat on a bench while putting my
head onto my palms"

Y/n: Mom..... please be happy and get rid of this cancer quickly....

"As i was mumbling, I felt someone sitting beside me"

"I managed not to look at whoever was it ,but then i heard a male voice"

???: Hey kitty.

"Oh great!.... Now what?"

"I turned my head up and looked at him and it was Yoongi"

Yoongi: What's up?

"I got up to go ,but he grabbed my wrist"

"I was angry ,but scared at the same time"

Yoongi: Why in a hurry?

Y/n: What do you want Yoongi?

Yoongi: Is that a question? No one ever ask this question to thier bullies, because as you know they won't never leave them

Y/n: Oh great! So your here to beat me up

Yoongi: I would if i wanted to ,but i can be nice!

"His words and voice annoyed me as my eyes got teary"

Yoongi: Anyway, what happened to your clothes?

Y/n: And if you already know that I am someone to get bullied by 7 boys then you'd know what happened to me

"He looked at me with an unamused look"

Yoongi: You gotta wash up!

"I tried my hard to free my wrist ,but he was too strong"

"He got up and pulled me somewhere"

Y/n: Let me go! Why do you even care?!

Yoongi: Because kitten, I am your bully

"He put me inside his car and drove"

Y/n: Please let me go!... please...

"I begged desperately ,but he insisted"

"I rolled my eyes in anger and looked out of the window"

"He stopped at a house as he opened the door for me and grabbed my wrist hard again and pulled me out of the car to inside"

7 Bullies In Love *BOOK1* |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now