Chapter 45

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~At school~

~Eunji opens the locker door and sighs..~~

~As she's working, A girl approaches and opens the locker next to hers while chewing gum~

~She looks over to Eunji~

Amanda: Oh heyyy Eunji

~She says in a meany way while chewing even quicker~

Eunji: Hey.

Amanda: What's up, where's your little friend

~Eunji rolls her eyes and prepares her books~

Amanda: Well even the 7 prince are absent along with her,  they were bullying her, isn't this kinda weird?

Eunji: Agh.

Amanda: What!? Am I wrong?  This girl thought she's very special bcz the boys following her everyday, and now they're both gone together?? Well she is probably having fun with them and Wow she has left you behind, I feel really bad..

~Eunji closes the locker door hard and turns to her~

Eunji: Just mind your own buisness!

Amanda:  I would but, this is too strange, even the whole school thinks this is a strange situation for them to be gone like this, I even bet she doesn't even talk to you about it, Well told ya she is just a bitch-

Eunji: AMANDA!

Amanda: Don't be mad at me! What would people think of a young girl missing with 7 guys in school?! Huh?? Sorry hun but I think you should just ditch her ...just like how she ditched you *Smiles and smirks*

Amanda: Well!! Let's not be late for class! Bye~~~

~She left leaving Eunji even more sad~

Eunji: She has a point... Y/n doesn't even talk to me anymore.. After all this time I've been with her and cared for her... and she- ... ugh..

~Her grip on her books got even tighter and she became a little angry as she started walking to class~


~You find yourself awake, just sitting on the bed and staring at the floor, trying to picture everything that happened~

~It's all useless to you now... the more you think about it the more stupid you think you are~

~Buried in your thoughts, You hear a knock on the door~

Y/n: Come in.

~You see a guy coming in with a trey of food and water~

???: Hellooooo~ I am Seungri, nice too meet you

~You did nothing but only nodded~

Seungri: Our leader wants to talk to you, After eating you will be going to his office

~He said with a warm smile~

"I'm done seeing fake warm smiles on bad boys"

~You got up walking toward him, looking at the trey as you picked up the glass of water~

Y/n: Show me the way please

~You said and walked out~

Seungri: Huh?

~He came out of the room and took you to the office as you went in~

GD: Nice! please sit down

~You sat down in the chair infront of his desk while gulping down on the water~

~You put the glass down on the desk and wiped your mouth~

GD: Did you eat?

~You shook my head and he smiled even more~

GD: Well how are you feeling now?

Y/n: Get to the point

GD: Wow your actions are different princess

~He said crossing his arms and leaning back on chair~

Y/n: It's cuz I'm done playing this bullshit anymore.

~His smile faded away and tried to understand you~

GD: Aight great well let me tell you, Let's have a deal

~You looked in his eyes and you could see that his eyes were like sharp blades looking back into yours, smirking like You could understand that this is the...

End Of You~

7 Bullies In Love *BOOK1* |COMPLETED|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora