Just A Deal

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Sometimes, you make me feel like I actually have a chance with you but when I try to take that chance you make me realize I never really did.

- Unknown

"Ian does your father like chocolate cake?!" Lisa shouted from the kitchen. 

"I don't know Lisa. He kinds of like everything sweet." Ian replied frantically walking down the stairs. Lisa muttered a light whisper of stupid before continuing her work. His father was supposed to be here in the morning but due to some meeting, he had to postpone the visit to lunchtime. After the walk of shame both of them took coming out of the car half naked and entering the house, they quickly entered their rooms to get ready for James to arrive. 

"What did he say? When will he be here?" She asked still focusing on mixing the batter. 

"In about half an hour" he replied as he resumed to scroll down his phone paying no extra heat to her. No one wanted to talk about the night, neither the kiss. It was all the talking they have been doing for the past four to five hours. Just some monotonous responses and answers. Lisa could tell how different the situation was, both of them didn't want to acknowledge anything.

"Ian, could you please place this batter in the oven? I think I need to change now." She proposed as she quickly sprinted off her apron which was filled with waste flour and chocolate. 

"Where is Marie? Why can't she help you?" He demanded sounding a bit irritated as he still continued to do whatever on his phone. She didn't understand what had happened to him. Just this morning he was all happy and lovey-dovey and now here he was practically getting annoyed by the fact that he was being asked to put the batter in the oven for the cake. 

"Marie is cleaning the house" she answered taking a deep sigh before she continued "Do you think you could be able to do this? Or shou-"

"Hello, yes Mr.Jones. Yeah, I have seen them..." Ian answered to whoever was on the phone before walking out of the hall completely ignoring her and whatever she was saying. She knew he had heard her but choose to ignore her. 

'Now, what do you expect Lisa? You are no one to him, just a contract, just a deal. Remember that' she whispered to herself as a stray tear fell down from her eyes before she quickly whipped it away.

She put the batter in the oven before walking upstairs to change. She took out a light grey dress that reached her mid thighs, pairing it with a high ankle's boot. She tied her hair in a light braided bun pulling out some stray flicks from the sides. She was satisfied with her look, as looked simple and just like herself. Before she even noticed the alarm buzzed off in the kitchen indicating that the cake was ready. She went down swiftly pulling out the cake and putting some icing on it and placing it on the side. At the instant, the doorbell rang confirming that Ian's father was here. Lisa quickly patted some upturns from her dress before she tried to confidently walk towards the door to welcome him. 

"Lisa! Hey, how are you darling?" James said as soon as she opened the door engaging her in a hug which she returned. "Is my son treating you, right honey?" He inquired gently patting her on her head. 

'Was he? Well, he practically rejected me after we had our first kiss and after the very first night sleeping the same bed but that's fine right? At least he is not doing anything bad. It is a contract, right?'

"Yeah, he is" she answered returning his huge grin with a small smile. 

"Hey, dad here is your wallet. You gotta start remembering things old man" She heard a voice behind James. There was a girl standing on the door, dressed in a perfect light pink dress with her hair down. Her eyes were dark brown but some of here feature matched Ian. As soon as she saw Lisa she launched herself at her pulling her in a tight hug. 

"Finally, I get to meet you, Lisa! I can call you that right?" She questioned as she pulled herself back. 

"Leave the girl alone, Mia. Lisa, I am sorry for her craziness. This is my younger daughter Mia. Mia as you already know this is Lisa, your brother's wife." Realisation drawn to Lisa instantly recognizing who the girl was. 

"Oh, Hi, and sure you can call me Lisa" she answered smiling accordingly at her. 

"Great! Now, where is that stupid bother of mine? Is he good to you?" Mia exclaimed as she moved ahead settling her bag on the couch, looking around the hall. 

"Don't mind her Lisa. She is too happy all the time." James said as he laughed along with Lisa on his daughter practically pacing down the whole hall.

James moved into the hall settling himself on one of the couches, before looking around "Where is Ian, Lisa?" 

"Umm, he had an important call to attend. He will be back in a moment." She answered placing the cup of three coffees on the tray before serving them to the guest. 

"Lisa, tell me more about yourself" She heard Mia say as she took one cup of coffee with her placing herself on the couch. They all talked for a little while, about almost everything. Lisa learned that Mia was a fashion designer and lived in New York. While Ian was twenty-six, Mia was two years younger than him and had moved to new york just a year ago. She had her own company there. Lisa really liked her. She was an outgoing and funny person the complete and utter opposite of Lisa. The only problem was that Mia had a long list of things to talk about while Lisa would only nod at most of the things. 

"Brother!" Mia shouted as soon as she saw Ian walking down from the corner of the hall running towards him and drawing him in a tight hug as she did to Lisa. 

"Hey Mia, I missed you," Ian said as he returned her hug. 

"Puff you missed me? You have great company over here and you missed me? Lies along the corner brother." She said as she climbed down his arms settling her foot on the floor. Lisa was waiting for his reply but instead, he chooses not to respond to her remark instead just gently patting on her head. 

"Ian settle down boy, I have a surprise for both of you," James said as he gestured him to sit along with him. 

"Okay so guys take this" he handed an envelope to both Lisa and Ian. 

"What is this dad?"

"These are the booking receipt to your hotel that you are gonna stay in when you visit Paris. You guys never got a honeymoon right? So here you go!"


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