A Peculiar Plane Ride

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Ian's POV

After a long week of shooting, Anthony and I were flying back to Los Angeles to spend some time with our girlfriends. It wasn't anything peculiar. The two of us always seemed to be on planes. Anthony seemed to be getting fed up with me, (probably because I've been the only person he's been with all week) so I offered we sit apart. He pondered the idea for a moment, then quickly refused and made sure he got sat next to me. It was better than sitting with a complete stranger, I suppose. We had medium sized bags holding our clothing and toiletries, which we registered as carry-ons. Neither Anthony or I trusted the luggage system that came with flying. I started to put Anthony's bag in the compartment above our seats, but he stopped me.

"Wait!" He exclaimed. I lowered my arms and raised my eyebrow. Anthony reached for his bag, opening and closing his hands, like a first grader does when they want something. I let him have it, and moved to the side as more people boarded the plane. He pulled out a blanket he must have taken from the Smosh house, then threw the bag back to me. I playfully rolled my eyes. "That's so gay." Anthony wrapped himself in it, blew me a raspberry, then patted on my seat impatiently. I placed his bag in the compartment, then sealed it and sat down next to him. He insisted that we take a picture for his Instagram, so I put on a serious look and leaned our heads closer so we could both get in the frame. He snapped a couple of pictures to his heart's desire, then I moved away and twiddled my thumbs. The pilot announced take off, and before he could finish his sentence, Anthony was asleep.

Anthony could fall asleep anywhere at anytime. I learned that during our sleepover days, you know, when we shared the bed. Nowadays, we find it super awkward to sleep close to eachother, especially in public areas like a plane filled with people.

I guess I can't sleep now. It was only an hour and a half of flight time, so it wouldn't matter if I slept or not. I looked out the window Anthony was sitting next to and saw the last bit of sun dip down under the horizon. I suddenly noticed the goosebumps on my arm and how cold I was. I shut off both of our AC vents and looked at him sleeping. He looked so cozy and peaceful... I managed to get some of the blanket to my  seat, and curled up with the little bit I had to warm up. I sat up straight again and cracked my back, looking at the screen in front of me. A crappy movie begins to play when I hear Anthony stir. I look at him, then back at the screen. Suddenly, his head is on my shoulder.

I frowned a bit, but then I just sighed and ignored it. He wrapped his arms around my left one tightly, smiling contently. What was he dreaming about?

Anthony began to pull at my shirt with his teeth. "Let's get that off," He muttered.

I couldn't wake Anthony up, no matter how much I wanted to. He'd get pissed and yell, even in the middle of the flight. Besides, he rarely had a bad dream. He always told me his dreams were treasures, and that he wrote his favorite ones down.

He's probably dreaming about sexy time with Kalel. Maybe he'd write this dream down too, if it's as 'enjoyable' as he's making it sound. I grit my teeth in annoyance. He finally stopped biting my shirt and went back to just laying there on me. Focus on the movie, I told myself. He sleep acts. He always does things like this.

One of his hands grabbed my knee, which didn't bother me, but it began to snake up my thigh, which sent a shiver through my whole body. I couldn't tell if I was enjoying it or not. Don't wake him up... I scolded myself.  The wet spot on my shoulder was bothing me. I breathed in deeply but not before a painful sensation shot through my neck. I almost screamed because it was so unexpected. I reached a hand to my neck and felt bite marks.

Fantastic. I got a hickey. From a sleeping Anthony. Melanie was going to have so many questions. I had so many mixed feelings from all of this: confusion, annoyance, anger, but also the slightest bit of pleasure, which I hated myself for.

After a while of compentating what was going on, Anthony collasped in exhaustion onto my lap, his head facing my member. I couldn't help but blush... I mean, his face was right there. Thankfully no one was looking at us funny. Soon the pilot announced that we were landing and I swear to God I pushed Anthony off of me so fast he almost hit his head. He woke up, angry. "What the hell, man?"

"We're landing." Was all I could say. Anthony just rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "What's this?" He pointed to the hickey.

"I don't want to talk about it." I growled. Anthony looked really confused and scared of what could have happened. Instead I faced the opposite direction and leaned my head on my hand.

I decided to tell him later. I couldn't do it in person, I just couldn't.

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