Three Months to Cheat

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Ian's POV

 I woke up next to Anthony laying next to me with his arm around me. I smiled softly, closing my eyes again, I slowly broke free from the grasp and walked to the kitchen, where I poured a glass of orange juice to contemplate my thoughts.

Let's just face it, the brain never wins.

As much as I knew I was going to be completely devastated and heartbroken in three months, I couldn't refuse. It was what I wanted, after all. I wanted to take everything I could from Anthony. It's awful thinking about it like that, but there is really no way to keep your lust under control when you finally have what you've been waiting for. Especially someone's love.

Did Anthony love me? Or was this just another experiment? Either way, I couldn't care less. I had Anthony Padilla to myself for three months (when he's not with Kalel, of course).

I heard some shuffling come from the other room and Anthony slowly walked out, yawning. "When's Lunchtime with Smosh?" He asked, looking more alert.

"Like three hours," I laughed. "It's 11:30."

He sighed loudly, running a hand through his messy hair. I took another sip of my juice and watched him go back into the bedroom and close the door. I sighed. Did he forget? As soon as I set my head into my hands, he poked his head of the bedroom and called out, "Babe, start thinking about what we're going to get."

Hearing him call me "babe" perked me up a bit, but I secretly despised that word since that's what he and Kalel called eachother. Besides "babe", what name was there to call eachother? All of the other names are either too perky or too motherly, like "honey" and "dear". It's funny, really. I could be thinking about anything in the world and I'm thinking about what Anthony should call me for the next few months. I walked over to my bedroom and pulled out my phone to call Melanie.

She picked up on the fourth ring. "Hello?" She said.

"Mel," I sighed. "I gotta tell you something."

"What is it?"

I sighed again, louder this time. "Anthony wants him and I to mess around together until the wedding."

"He wants to cheat on Kalel?" Melanie questioned, obviously interested.

"With me, yes. Melanie, I want this, I just don't want such little time or her getting in the way."

"Wow," She sighed. "This is a lot to process."

"I know."

"You deserve so much more than him, Ian. Honestly."

"No, Melanie! Don't say that! I-I love him."

"Does he love you?"

"I-uh, I don't know, Mel. Last time all he did was experiment with me."

"Do you think he's doing that again?" Melanie asked.

"I don't know. Even if he is... I don't think I could get rid of what I have for him."

"Ian," Melanie said softly. "If you want, come home early this week. We can talk this through more."

"But I'll be losing time with Anthony! Listen, Mel, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye," She said.

I hung up.

Anthony's POV

I heard Ian's bedroom door close and I heard him talking to someone. I heard 'Mel' and 'tell something'. Ian tells Melanie everything.

I heard my name. I leaned up against Ian's door.

"With me, yes. Melanie, I want this, I just don't want such little time or her getting in the way." I heard him say. I sighed softly. Maybe this was a bad idea...

"No, Melanie! Don't say that! I-I love him." He sounded upset.

Fuck. Do I like him? Do I love him?

I loved the feelings that have come along with being around Ian recently. First, we have great sex, we make out in front of our camera crew, and we cuddle. Second, he's a fantastic kisser and he's absolutely AMAZING at, well, you know.

I didn't even know what we were at this point. Friends with benefits? Boyfriends? I was about to open the door when he said, "I-uh, I don't know, Mel. Last time all he did was experiment with me."

Shit. This WAS a bad idea.

"I don't know. Even if he is... I don't think I could get rid of what I have for him."

I buried my head in my hands. This was NOT going to be easy. Maybe I shouldn't cut it off until the wedding like I said the night before. I felt horrible. A half-empty three months for me, while he lives his dream? Kalel never cheated on me and here I am, cheating on her with my best friend.

I lay back down on my bed to think, when I heard Ian knock on the bedroom door. He opened it, smiling widely. "Ready for Lunchtime?"

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