A Week Before the Wedding

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Anthony's POV

I was used to the constant kissing and compassion Ian gave me whenever we were together. I try to give him some compassion back so he doesn't feel bad. I could tell that the time we were spending together was a dream come true for him and he was trying to get all he could get out of it.

It was MY idea, after all.

Ian was happy, and that was all I could ask for at the moment. We were sitting next to each other on the couch, and Ian looked bored. I put my arm around him and he snuggled up to me. Ian took one of my hands while his head lay on my shoulder. He pulled his legs onto the couch and leaned on me a bit more. I cringed inside. The way we were cuddling right now reminded me so much of the way Kalel and I cuddled, and it only made me feel more guilty. Just yesterday, Kalel and I were in this very same position, watching 'Game of Thrones'.

"Hey," Ian said.


"Anything we could watch?" He asked, adjusting his position.

I turned on the TV and the first movie we found was 'The Social Network', which Ian was excited to watch. Once again, it reminded me of Kalel.

I decided to excuse myself to go to the bathroom, leaving Ian whining on the couch. "Sorry babe," I said. "I'll be right back."

Ian's POV

I really feel like Anthony was falling in love with me too. I blushed. He always gave me the best kisses, and whenever we hugged, he hugged me tighter. This past month was the greatest of my life. I called Melanie all the time and cried over how happy I was.

Anthony came back and we curled up again together, watching the rest of the movie.

Suddenly, Anthony stood up and reached a hand out to me. I shot him a questioning glance. "Take it," He said softly. I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers. He started walking forwards, and soon, we were out the door, walking in the dark abyss that was the nighttime. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "You'll see," Was all Anthony said.

I just let him lead me down the dark sidewalk, looking down at my feet. No one was around and I was getting nervous. Anthony was freaking me out the slightest bit. I tried to focus on how his hand felt against mine. Our fingers interlocked perfectly. He started rubbing my hand with his thumb and it brought a huge smile to my face. Anthony didn't notice though- his attention was focused on the darkness in front of him. I looked down at my shoes and just let him drag me forward. I was tired of walking and was about to ask Anthony where we were going (again) when he suddenly stopped walking. Unaware he was going to stop so suddenly, I almost fell forward, but he caught me and we locked on to what we could see of each other's eyes, and he gave me a soft, reassuring smile. Instead of kissing me though, he helped me stand up straight and lead me a little but farther. "The park," I said, realizing where we were. "Why here?"

He took my other hand and made me face him. "Ian," He muttered. He muttered it so quietly it sounded as if he were whispering.

I didn't say anything. I stared up at his eyes, illuminated by the lights all around the park. I opened my mouth to speak, but I quickly closed it in anticipation of what he was going to say.

He sighed, his voice cracking a little, and rubbed my cheek with his hand.

"This is where we had our first kiss," Anthony whispered.

I smiled a small smile, although I was still confused as hell. Anthony looked very sad at my facial expression, so I quickly wiped my face of the smile.

"But it's also where we'll have our last." He put his second hand up to my face and leaned in, kissing softly but and slowly. Then, he pulled away gently.

I didn't know I was crying until I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"I'll see you at the wedding Ian." He rubbed my cheek again. "It's over."

Then, he turned and disappeared into the darkness from the way we came.

Anthony's POV

Finally. It was over.

When We Flew (Ianthony)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora